These folks are going to find themselves in a world of trouble.
The Daily Caller reports:
Former Harvard Admins Accused Of Stealing $110K From Disabled Students To Buy Sex Toys, Gadgets
Harvard University police have accused two former administrators of Harvard Law School of embezzling over a hundred thousand dollars from a fund for disabled students.
The Harvard Police Department alleges that Meg DeMarco and Darris Saylors used the approximately $110,000 in stolen money to buy iPads, laptops, jewelry, DVDs, and some X-rated items, according to CBS Boston.
DeMarco and Saylors resigned from their Dean of Students office capacities during a police investigation following a Harvard Law budget manager’s discovery of some inconsistencies in the department’s finances.
An Apple subpoena tracked the purchased items to the two administrators’ homes, as well as the residences of Saylors’ family and friends.

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… perhaps they belong to the “warren tribe” & were making the purchases to give to the poor & needy…
Stealing monies designated for the disabled is despicable. Crimes such as this make me think we should bring back public flogging.
They were just following the Obama administration rules where money designated for veterans, Zika, education, scientific studies, etc. were routinely stolen (embezzled) to be given to politically favored “non-profits” and/or used for other purposes solely to benefit Obama and friends.