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Emerson College Releases New List of Words That Can’t be Used

Emerson College Releases New List of Words That Can’t be Used

“Community members should avoid using language that is insensitive”

Emerson College is a school that specializes in communications. Do they really think this is a good look for them?

The Daily Caller reports:

Language Police At Fancypants College Deem The Word ‘Homosexual’ Offensive Now

Emerson College, a fancypants school dedicated solely to communication and performing arts, has officially deemed the word “homosexual” to be offensive.

Emerson’s online “Guidelines for Inclusive Language” makes the proclamation.

“Use gay or lesbian when describing people who are attracted to members of the same sex,” school officials instruct in the guide. “Avoid the use of homosexual and homosexual relationship.”

The guide does not appear to provide any reason for this rule in its 1,440-word “inclusive language” guide.

The handy guide to politically-correct words and phrases also informs writers to use several clunky terms including “business executive” instead of “businessman, “camera operator” instead of “cameraman” and the especially odd “chair” instead of “chairman.”

Additionally, Emerson declares, you should use the phrase “person with a disability” instead of the totally different “disabled person.”

“Community members should avoid using language that is insensitive to cultural differences or that excludes or offends any group of people (based on their ability/disability, age, ethnicity and race, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation, etc.),” a general statement at the beginning of the language guide says.


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Do you suppose Emerson rejects the application of any prospective student who answers”Yes” when asked whether he has read “1984” ?

That is a queer attitude for a college to have.