College RA Tells White Girls That Wearing Hoop Earrings is Cultural Appropriation

Can you imagine going through life and paying attention to such petty things?

Robby Soave reports at Reason:

Pitzer College RA Tells White Girls to Stop Wearing Hoop Earrings: It’s Cultural AppropriationA residential advisor at Pitzer College sent a campus-wide email informing students—white women, in particular—that they should stop wearing hoop earrings.Hooped earrings “actually come from a historical background of oppression and exclusion,” wrote Alegria Martinez, according to The Claremont Independent. “Why should white girls be able to take part in this culture?”The email was intended to serve as an explanation for the appearance of a message, “White girl take off your hoops!!!” on Pitzer’s free speech wall. In her email to campus, Martinez identified herself as one of the authors of the message.It’s great that Pitzer has a free speech wall, and it’s great that Martinez exercised her right to contribute an offensive, racist statement to the wall. Free speech means letting people say offensive, racists things. Which, to be clear, is exactly what Martinez did. If racist has any meaning at all, it must describe the belief that people should be disallowed from participating in certain facets of modern life because of the color of their skin. The doctrine of cultural appropriation—that marginalized people should keep to their own customs, and white people to theirs—is just old-fashioned racism given a fancy name for the purposes of ensnaring liberals.

Featured image via YouTube.

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