Yale Women’s Center Angry That Calhoun College Being Renamed for a White Woman
“an act of whitewashing”
Nothing is ever enough for the left. With every capitulation comes a new complaint.
The College Fix reports:
Yale Women’s Center ticked that white woman replaced slaveholder on building name
It’s not enough for the Yale Women’s Center that the university took the name of a slaveholding vice president off a building.
It criticized the school for renaming Calhoun College after an accomplished alumna, computer-science pioneer and Rear Adm. Grace Murray Hopper, because she was white.
The Yale Daily News reports:
However, while the renaming may represent an affirmation of the power of both student and New Haven activists to enact change, the Yale Women’s Center has argued that more remains to be done. In a Facebook post last weekend, the Women’s Center wrote that the decision to “change the name from a white supremacist to a white woman, as amazing as she may be, is an act of whitewashing.”

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Then, don’t cater to them in the first place. The word “no” can go a long way.
they should go for a 2fer – Chelsea Elizabeth Manning.
The pride will overflow with puke.
To call Admiral Grace Hopper “amazing” is to grossly understate her accomplishments. She nearly single-handedly invented computer languages as we know them and contributed a huge amount to the jargon of computers.
Yes, she was white. So what?
We are now is a position where we cannot name a college or building after an Albert Einstein, Grace Hopper, Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Jefferson, or so many others for the fact that they were white, or thought about owning slaves or whatever. Now we are going to start naming colleges, buildings, and so forth, after people like Alonso Smith who showed great courage by getting out of bed in the morning, Francis Wilson who was a great person because she held a job for 5 years, or even Jocelyn Jones who should be honored because she did nothing that anyone could find fault with.
Yep, these buildings, campuses and such are now going to be renames after the truly great while those no good white pikers like Lincoln, Washington, Hamilton, and such can finally be ignored/ /sarc