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Trump: #MAGA rally would be “the biggest of them all”

Trump: #MAGA rally would be “the biggest of them all”

Bernie: waaaaah!

In the wake of the widespread astroturfing of GOP town hall protests, President Trump suggests that his voters hold their own rally to show support for him and his agenda.

Business Insider reports:

President Donald Trump responded to protests against him on Saturday morning with a tweet about how his voters should hold their own massive rally.

“Maybe the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally,” Trump tweeted. “It would be the biggest of them all!”

In response, Bernie Sanders dredges up the Obama ’08 vs. Trump ’16 inauguration crowd size photos.

They have to cling to things like this, I guess.  Kind of sad.


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Someone should tell Bernie that President Trump didn’t pay to have mindless sycophants bused in, which explains the crowd-size differential.