Protesters at U. Michigan March Against Campus Deer Cull

I’m no hunter but my understanding is that culling deer populations is necessary and good for the deer.

M Live reported:

Ann Arbor deer cull protesters march on University of Michigan campusWith the killing of up to another 100 deer in Ann Arbor now underway, protesters are once again demonstrating and speaking out.About two dozen opponents of the city’s second-annual deer cull gathered next to the University of Michigan campus along State Street on Monday, Jan. 30, before marching through the Central Campus Diag and down South University Avenue to get to Nichols Arboretum along Geddes Avenue just before sunset.As they made their way through campus, they waved signs and chanted, making it clear they’re not happy the university has offered to help fund the cull and allow city-hired sharpshooters on UM property.Most of the cull locations are city parks and nature areas, with the exception of a few UM properties, including the Arb.”Stop the shoot at the Arb!” they chanted.”Hey-hey! Ho-ho! U of M deer killing’s got to go!””No killing deer at the Arb!”Once in front of the Arb, the protesters held a brief candlelight vigil and anti-violence demonstration, singing “We Shall Overcome.”

Featured image is a screen cap.

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