POLL: Trump Administration More Trustworthy Than Media

This is some Grade A trolling right here.

A poll conducted by Emerson College found Americans are more confident in the current administration’s truthfulness than the media.

From The Hill:

The Trump administration is more trusted than the news media among voters, according to a new Emerson College poll.The administration is considered truthful by 49 percent of registered voters and untruthful by 48 percent.But the news media is less trusted than the administration, with 53 percent calling it untruthful and just 39 percent finding it honest.The numbers split along party lines, with nearly 9 in 10 Republicans saying the Trump administration is truthful, compared with more than 3 in 4 Democrats who say the opposite.The Emerson poll found that 69 percent of Democrats think the news media is truthful while 91 percent of Republicans consider the Fourth Estate untruthful.Independents, meanwhile, believe both the administration and the news media are untruthful, with 52 percent saying the administration is untruthful and 47 percent saying the same about the media.The poll echoes Gallup’s annual poll on the public’s trust in media, which showed before the election that 32 percent of Americans trusted the institution, including just 14 percent of Republicans.

Trump too noticed:

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Tags: Media Bias, Polling, Trump Administration