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New York Republicans Offer Alternative to ‘Tuition-Free’ College

New York Republicans Offer Alternative to ‘Tuition-Free’ College

“expand the state’s existing grant program for low-income residents”

Of course, liberals won’t go for this because it doesn’t have the word “free” in it.

CNN reports:

New York Republicans have an alternative to ‘tuition-free’ college

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to make tuition free. But there’s a better way to make college affordable, according to some Republicans.

A group of Republican State Assembly members are criticizing the governor’s “tuition-free” college plan for excluding students at private colleges.

Instead of making tuition free at the State University of New York (SUNY) and City University (CUNY) schools, they want to expand the state’s existing grant program for low-income residents who are students at any accredited college in New York.

The Republican plan would effectively lower the cost of college for more New Yorkers than Cuomo’s plan would. But middle-income families who qualify would be paying less under the governor’s plan.

“This is not the time to consider segmented solutions that focus on only a fraction of the problem,” said Assembly Republican Minority Leader Brian Kolb.

The Tuition Assistance Program, known as TAP, currently awards students between $500 and $5,165 depending on their financial need. Families who earn more than $80,000 a year don’t qualify.


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“This is not the time to consider segmented solutions that focus on only a fraction of the problem”

Nor is it the time to insist on “solutions” which basically just toss money at the problem. This tossed money is inflationary, which makes the problem worse.

A better solution would be to fire all the diversity pimps. The cost of college would drop 20-30 percent.

THIS kind of behavior is a big reason why I left the Republican party. Democrats say, “Let’s spend money!” and the idiot Republicans jump up and down yelling, “Hey! We can spend it better than they can!”

Yeah. That’ll teach them.

legalizehazing | February 27, 2017 at 9:41 am

Ugh it makes me a little sick. This is hard deja vu for losing Republican tactics. Yes it’s a positive response and it targets vulnerable demographics… can we find a tactic to focus on spending less and good governance?

it’s not exactly peaches at the state level for these Republicans. It’s not like they can address the real issues causing tuition to sky rocket….. or can they