More Sanctuary Cities Caving To Trump
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More Sanctuary Cities Caving To Trump

More Sanctuary Cities Caving To Trump

Choosing to keep the money rather than protect illegal aliens

In today’s feel good news: Several more cities have joined Miami in rejecting sanctuary city status in fear of losing federal funding.

Fox News reports:

Several towns, cities and counties around the nation are caving to President Trump’s threat to pull funding, and abandoning their “sanctuary” pledges to shield illegal immigrants from federal authorities.

Dayton, Ohio, dropped a policy that restricted the city’s cooperation with immigration officials pursuing illegal immigrants arrested for misdemeanors or felony property crimes, according to the Dayton Daily News. Police Chief Richard Biehl said federal authorities will no longer be impeded by the city when pursuing illegal immigrants being held by his department.

Other communities that have dropped policies of shielding illegal immigrant suspects from Immigration and Customs Enforcement include Miami-Dade and Dayton, are Saratoga, N.Y., Finney County, Kan., and Bedford, Penn., according to The Center for Immigration Studies, which keeps a list of sanctuary communities.

“We are reviewing policy changes at a multitude of other jurisdictions as well,” said Marguerite Telford, CIS’s director of communications, who said the organization is “being inundated” by officials on its sanctuary map who want to be taken off.

. . . .  Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, predicted many more communities will be dropping or dramatically modifying their sanctuary stances.

“We’re going to see more of this,” Mehlman told Fox News. “Faced with the possibility of losing federal dollars, they’ll choose to keep funding public services rather than protecting illegal aliens.”


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I said in comments to the last article on pulling federal funding for “sanctuary cities”, that we will find out which city council members and commissioners are committed to their “principled stance” on sanctuary policies and will face down whatever hardships to maintain them, and which ones will abandon their principles for federal monies.

As it turns out, liberal city leaders tend to value the cash more than their principles.

This is my shocked face.