CPAC: Trump Takes Aim at the Press, Reiterates Campaign Promises

President Donald Trump came out to the CPAC stage to loud cheers and USA chants. He spoke for almost 45 minutes at CPAC to a full house where he again attacked the press, but also reiterated his campaign promises.

“The media didn’t think we’d win,” he reminded the crowd. “The pundits didn’t think we’d win. They all underestimated the power of the people.”

I stood in the back with the rest of the media and caught a few moments on my phone:

Trump didn’t back down against the press, calling them fake news and CNN the “Clinton News Network.” He blasted the media for using anonymous sources and urged them to stop doing that. Leaks from anonymous sources within the White House have plagued the Trump administration, including a memo that stated he wanted to use the National Guard to round up illegal immigrants. The MSM ran with the story, which quickly turned out false.

But besides that, he spoke on his campaign promises such as border security.

“We’ve defended other nations’ borders while leaving ours wide open,” he exclaimed. “We’re going to build the wall.”

He also said that if the previous presidents went to the beach everyday during their administration then America would be better off. Trump mentioned that the country is currently kicking out all the bad guys. This goes along with the new guidelines Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly issued a few days ago. These guidelines listed in importance those illegal immigrants who face deportation. Obviously the violent criminals are at the top of the list.

Tags: CPAC2017, Trump Speech