Liberal Media in Crisis After Being Passed Over for Questions

The liberal media’s inflated sense of importance is on full display. During a press conference yesterday with Benjamin Netanyahu, liberal journalists wanted to shift the narrative to the resignation of Michael Flynn.They were unable to do so because Trump took questions from reporters at Townhall and the Christian Broadcasting Network, both of whom asked about Israel and Palestine in keeping with the point of the event.The liberal media, which just came back from an eight year vacation during which they peppered Obama with questions about how awesome he is, now wants us to believe we can’t live without their tough questions for Trump.After the press conference, ABC News went into full freak out mode.News Busters reports:

Angry ABC in ‘Open Hostility’ at Trump for ‘Shutting Down’ Free SpeechThe journalists at ABC on Wednesday erupted in “open hostility” to Donald Trump, accusing the President of “shutting down part of the First Amendment” by not calling on network reporters at a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Jon Karl, Cecilia Vega and Matt Dowd repeatedly whined about the “conservative” questioners who were chosen, lamenting that the preferred narrative of the liberal media wasn’t highlighted. In the post-press conference coverage, Vega ranted, “I want to tell you about the open hostility right here in this room. You know, I’m sitting right here kind of in the middle of the pack of a number of journalists, mainstream reporters, if you will, and there is open anger in here about the fact the President did not take any real questions about the issue of the day.” The question of the day, according to Vega, was Michael Flynn’s resignation. Speaking for other journalists, she raged, “And so, you’re feeling an open sense of anger and frustration here.” Reporter Karl sputtered, “George, it is astounding. We have now had four presidential news conferences and the President, for the most part, has simply avoided calling on people from news organizations.”

Not a day has passed in the few short weeks that Trump has been president, that these liberal activists disguised as journalists haven’t dialed it up to ten. Here’s more:

ABC analyst Dowd increased the hyperbole, stating that Trump was dismantling the First Amendment:

This is two democracies, two important democracies in the world and basically the President of the United States is shutting down part of the First Amendment by not taking certain questions that are going to be any way antagonistic.

Watch the video:

Professor Jacobson noted the media’s whining in an earlier post:

There is plenty of push back on this from people who remember how the media behaved under Obama:

This video says it all:

Featured image via News Busters video.

Tags: Donald Trump, Media, Michael Flynn