Liberal Activists Want no Part of a Chelsea Clinton Candidacy

While the media obsesses over the Trump White House day after day, they are largely neglecting to report that a battle is still raging for the soul of the Democratic Party.

Chelsea Clinton is gearing up for her turn at bat, but the progressive wing of the party isn’t interested.

The Washington Times reports:

‘Never Chelsea’ movement grows among liberal activistsThey weren’t ready for Hillary, and now they’re definitely not ready for her daughter, Chelsea Clinton.The activists who fueled Sen. Bernard Sanders‘ presidential bid last year and who have become the raging heart of the party as it seeks to rebuild itself, shudder at the thought of the 36-year-old daughter of the former president and secretary of state searching for a race of her own.“Chelsea needs to go away,” said Guinevere Boyd, a 49-year-old from Alaska who attended a Democratic National Committee forum this weekend. “She has nothing to offer. She has said some horrible clueless things about progressives and progressive issues.”For decades the sideshow to her parents, the younger Ms. Clinton has stepped out of their shadow in the months since her mother’s loss to Donald Trump in the presidential race.On Twitter, she has been mixing gripes against Mr. Trump with praise for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, and a plea to the public to let the president’s youngest son, Barron, have the “chance every child does — to be a kid.”

If the candidates running for chair of the DNC are any indication, the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing is about to assume control of the party. The establishment wing however, isn’t going away quietly.

Take as an example, this recent column in the Huffington Post:

Hey Bernie Supporters : Stop Forcing Democrats To Agree To The Lie That The Primary Was Rigged — It Wasn’tRecently, Tom Perez felt compelled to go along with (but later retracted) the lie that the Democratic primary was “rigged” against Bernie Sanders. For many die-hard Berners, the only possible explanation for Sanders’ failure to win the nomination is the myth that the system had been “rigged” to steal The Precious from him. For the umpteenth time, let’s please try to dispel this unfounded notion, okay? The future of the Democratic Party (and the defeat of impending Fascist America) will depend on it.Take a deep breath. Say it with me now:Bernie Sanders lost the primary.Let’s try that again.Bernie Sanders lost the primary. Fair and square.Here’s a pinch of logic to digest. If Hillary had the magical power to manipulate primary outcomes in every state she won, we need to ask ourselves this: Why didn’t she unleash her sorcery to rig the battle in 2008 against Barack Obama? Students of history will recall that Barack Obama won that nomination, defeating Hillary. Just barely, but he did win.Now, let’s try this.Hillary won the primary.Say it one more time.

Of course, Democrats have bigger problems than this to solve if they want to win elections. They need to figure out how to become appealing to white working class voters who deserted them in the presidential election.

So far, they haven’t shown much interest in that.

Tags: Chelsea Clinton, Progressives