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Lennart Nilsson, Man Behind Amazing Unborn Baby Photos, Passes Away

Lennart Nilsson, Man Behind Amazing Unborn Baby Photos, Passes Away

His pictures moved a lot of people to pro-life.

Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson produced magnificent photos of unborn babies for Life Magazine and the book A Child is Born, changing many minds on abortion.

Nilsson passed away at the age of 94 this week.

From The Local Sweden:

His 1965 book, “A Child is Born,” was one of the most successful photography albums ever, selling in the millions and becoming an iconic work for the anti-abortion movement.

Only later did it become widely known that many of the embryos used in the photo-essay were not alive, as many readers had thought, but had been aborted.

Absolutely chilling, but needed to show people that life begins at conception.

Besides unborn human beings, many credit Nilsson for producing “the first photographs of the AIDS virus and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus, using a scanning electron microscope.


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Just as we all come into the world the same way, we all leave it.

Thanks, Mr. Nillson, for the window you gave us. We’re better for it.

Is it just me or does that picture of the unborn baby look a lot like the common pictures of the Grey Alien ETs? Are the Greys physically unevolved humans or do humans have Greys DNA programmed into them? And if so by whom?

That was the first book I bought, after I found out I was pregnant with our first child. I never knew the photos were of aborted babies. Such beauty out of such devastation.