Well, this is interesting. Someone killed North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un’s older half-brother Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia on Monday. From South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency:
Cable TV broadcaster TV Chosun reported that Kim was killed at an airport in Malaysia after being attacked by two unidentified female agents with “poisoned needles.” The suspects fled the scene and Malaysian police suspected North Korea was behind the killing.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the attackers jumped Kim Jong Nam right before he boarded a plane to Macau:
“His head was wrapped in cloth with some kind of a liquid,” Mr. Abdul Samah said. He said an unidentified woman was reported to be near Kim Jong Nam at the time of the incident, and that the woman’s whereabouts were now not known.Kim Jong Nam was pronounced dead en route toa [sic] nearby hospital, Mr. Abdul Samah said, adding that an autopsy is currently under way.South Korea’s presidential Blue House, the acting president’s office, the Ministry of Unification and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs all declined to comment.
Kim Jong Nam’s mother was an actress who later became mistress to his father Kim Jong IL. Kim Jong nam enjoyed attention from his father and many thought he would take over the communist nation.
That all changed in 2001, though. Authorities detained Kim Jong Nam when he tried to use a Dominican passport to enter Japan. He claimed he wanted “to visit Tokyo Disneyland.”
That ended his rise to power. That’s when the world moved their eyes “to Kim Jong Chol and Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il’s sons through another woman who became the leader’s companion.” Kim Jong Un took over when Kim Jong Il died in 2011.
Kim Jong Nam write a book with Japanese reporter Yoji Komi in 2012. In it, he described how “he pushed internally for reform and market opening, which made him an object of suspicion in Pyongyang.” The Journal continued:
After the birth of Kim Jong Un and his sister Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Nam told the reporter that he had lost the affection of his father, who diverted his devotion to his younger half-siblings.“I think he represented an alternative path which North Korea might have taken some years ago where some aspects of the Kim family system could have been retained alongside reforms toward a more collective leadership and an actual opening up to the outside world,” said Adam Cathcart, a North Korea expert at Leeds University in the U.K.
Mark Tokola, the vice president at the Korea Economic Institute, agrees:
“It seems probable that the motivation for the murder was a continuing sense of paranoia on the part of Kim Jong Un, which may be a well-placed paranoia,” Tokola wrote in a commentary Tuesday. Although there was scant evidence that Kim Jong Nam was plotting against the North Korean leader, he provided an alternative for North Koreans who would want to depose his brother.
It makes sense why people believe North Korea orchestrated this killing. Kim Jong Un wants to keep control of the country and has eliminated threats to his throne:
The most spectacular among them was the 2013 execution of his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, once considered the country’s second most powerful man, for what the North alleged was treason. The South’s government has said the North also executed a vice premier for education in 2016 for unspecified anti-revolutionary and factional acts, and a defense minister in 2015 for treason.