Dartmouth Profs Don Hijabs to Protest Trump’s Executive Order

I didn’t coin this phrase but it needs to be said… What a dumb time to be alive.

Campus Reform reports:

Dartmouth profs don hijabs, declare ‘we are all Muslims now’Dartmouth College students and faculty members protested President Trump’s executive order on immigration by wearing hijabs to show, as one professor wrote, that “we’re all Muslims now.”A student in the Tuck School of Business sent an email Tuesday to faculty members, staff, and students in the classes of 2017 and 2018 encouraging them to join an “expression of solidarity” with people affected by Trump’s executive order temporarily restricting immigration from seven countries.“As a community, we celebrate our diversity as fundamental to our ability to become wise leaders who will better the world of business,” the student wrote. “To affirm our commitment to our diverse student body, faculty, and staff, and our opposition to the immigration ban, we will be gathering with flags from all of the countries represented by our Tuck community in an expression of unity.”The email goes on to offer details for a “Photo in Celebration of our Diversity” on Thursday.Margaret A. Peteraf, a professor in the Tuck School, replied to the email and invited the recipients to another protest taking place on Wednesday, encouraging them to wear hijabs because “we’re all Muslim now.”

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection