Yale Students Prepare to Protest Trump Inauguration
“students interested in voicing opposition”
All the cool kids are jumping on the anti-Trump train, even at Yale.
The Yale Daily News reports:
Yalies prepare for Trump inauguration protests
A contingent of Yale students is planning to protest the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump on Friday in the hope of launching a nationwide opposition to the new president.
While some students are attending the inauguration out of support for Trump, most Yalies traveling to Washington, D.C. this week are going to protest him. Neither the Yale College Republicans nor the Yale New Republicans — a “never-Trump” faction splintered from the original club — have any plans underway to attend the inauguration or hold viewing parties. The Women’s March on Washington — a rally planned for the day after Inauguration Day — has attracted the majority of students interested in voicing opposition to the president-elect.
The Yale College Democrats are traveling, in partnership with the reproductive rights advocacy campus group Reproductive Justice Action League at Yale, to the capital by bus with 55 Yale students to attend the Women’s March. The Yale Political Union’s Party of the Left is also sending a car pool of 10 people for the Women’s March.

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So this is what it takes to get the kiddies to go outside and move around! LOL!
This sounds about right for a bunch of kiddies who got a professor fired for saying that they ought to be able to pick out their own Halloween costumes without administrative control. I wonder if they will have Safe Spaces in DC, and if the announcer will give Trigger Warnings before mentioning Trump or any other Republican. If not, these Yalies may need their mommies to come down and pick them up. Thankfully, their mommies will be nearby at the women’s march.