WATCH LIVE: Trump Speaks at DHS About Border Wall

President Donald Trump will address a few executive orders from the Department of Homeland Security, including a wall on the border with Mexico, immigration, CIA black sites, and declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. It’s his first visit with DHS Secretary John Kelly.

We have a live feed after the jump. I will provide tweets and updates as it goes.

Trump said at the press conference that DHS will begin immediate construction on the border with Mexico. He did not say how or who will pay for the wall, but stated that Mexico will ultimately pay for it. He also promised to help ICE and Border Patrol agents:

The same executive order also calls for hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents and ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants, among other provisions. Another order is aimed at helping federal immigration agents. It calls for hiring 10,000 additional officers; restoring the so-called Secure Communities program and other local partnerships; prioritizing the deportation of illegal immigrant criminals; directing the State Department to use leverage to ensure illegal immigrants are taken back by their country of origin – and moving to strip federal grant money to sanctuary states and cities that “harbor” illegal immigrants.

Trump signed those orders at 1:45PM ET:

President Donald Trump is signing two executive orders in keeping with campaign promises to boost border security and crack down on immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.The president signed the two orders Wednesday during a ceremony at the Department of Homeland Security after honoring the department’s newly confirmed secretary, retired Gen. John Kelly.The executive orders jumpstart construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall, one of his signature campaign promises, and strip funding for so-called sanctuary cities, which don’t arrest or detain immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

Tags: Donald Trump, Immigration, Trump Foreign Policy