Valerie Jarrett exit interview: Republicans refused to do ‘What’s Good for the Country’
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Valerie Jarrett exit interview: Republicans refused to do ‘What’s Good for the Country’

Valerie Jarrett exit interview: Republicans refused to do ‘What’s Good for the Country’

Question for Jarrett: what if Republicans passionately believed opposing Obama agenda was best for our country?

You might think that the Obama administration would be gracious on its way out the door. Fuggedaboutit.

Valerie Jarrett—asked by Greta Van Susteren during her inaugural MSNBC show this evening—what was her biggest surprise during her eight years in the White House, gave a nasty, partisan response.

Said the senior adviser to President Obama: “what surprised me was the willingness of the Republicans in congress to put their short-term political interests ahead of what’s good for the country . . . I thought they would come to the table and really try to work with us to focus on what we could do to move our country forward together. So it was disappointing and surprising that they didn’t.”

Got that? Republicans didn’t want to do “what’s good for the country” or “move our country forward” unless they were willing to fall in line with President Obama’s leftist agenda of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Does Jarrett not understand that Republicans passionately believed that what President Obama was proposing was antithetical to what was “good for the country?” Does she really mean to define patriotism as allegiance to the plans of whoever happens to be the president? Would she for a second suggest that Dems are uninterested in the good of the country if they don’t fall in behind President Trump’s plans?

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: What was the thing [about your years in the White House] that shocked you the most or the most stunning thing about it?

VALERIE JARRETT: Well, number one, how fast it went. I think when we came in, we thought four and certainly eight years would last forever. But on a serious note, Greta, what surprised me was the willingness of the Republicans in congress to put their short-term political interests ahead of what’s good for the country. I mean, you think about it. The president came into office and we were the middle of the economic crisis, the worst condition since the Great Depression, far worse than in yours or my lifetime.

We had a health care crisis, an energy crisis, a dependence on foreign oil, two wars. You name it. Lots of challenges going on. And I thought they would come to the table and really try to work with us to focus on what we could do to move our country forward together. And so it was disappointing and surprising that they didn’t.


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With the establishment of Pro-Choice, qualify “good”.

The country would have been better off without the last 8 years.

Now we know why neither the Congressional Republicans nor the Democrats could get their phone calls to the President returned.

What a POS.
January 20 is right around the corner, but these idiots make it seem like an eternity.

Valerie Jarrett has been the brains behind the Obama throne since he was just a junior Illinois State Senator. She is the one who ‘brought’ him to the Chicago Machine (she was Boss Daley’s Chief of Staff). She is the one who made Al-Chicagi’s decisions and refereed the antagonistic arguments between him and ‘Michelle’.

It is her vision to move this country to Euro-Socialism with huge government to make us poor, unwashed plebs dependent upon government. It should surprise no one she thinks that anyone who disagreed with her were ‘disloyal’.

Seriously. I never again want to hear some hammerhead say about a Democrat, “hey, here’s someone we can work with.”

No. You can fight them, or you can surrender to them. That’s all.

“I won.”
Said it all and ended it all.
A confederacy of over-confident, arrogant throne sniffers.

Yeah, they should have found her lodging at Gitmo.

The problem is Greta let her get away with it. Looks like her new show will be as bad as her last one.

    Daiwa in reply to Coolpapa. | January 10, 2017 at 12:39 am

    Whataya mean? She set her up with a lazy curve ball over the heart of the plate with that question. Blink of an eye and she was all MSNBC, more than happy to throw out a ‘feelings’ question and love the answer. As if we give a shit what ValJar thinks or feels.

“…their short-term political interests…”

What a mental midget. Has she not heard that the Dims got absolutely crushed over the past eight years? Resistance to her retarded agenda paid off quite handsomely indeed.

I don’t watch MSLSD and do not plan to start.

“Does Jarrett not understand that Republicans passionately believed that what President Obama was proposing was antithetical to what was “good for the country?”

Surely you do not seriously think this is in question. Obama has long proclaimed this himself: his enemies secretly agree with him and know he is right but refuse to act on it because they’re acting in their own selfish interests (implied or otherwise is some racist stuff too).

So that’s a no, she doesn’t understand that. She doesn’t believe it’s true.

    Bob00 in reply to JBourque. | January 15, 2017 at 10:49 am

    Well, there was that problem getting enough chicken sandwiches for the coup d’état. And then there was the stigma of being called names afterward. But the thing that really stopped the republicans from doing what was right for the country was that John McCain wanted to be Grand Poopa when it was over. After that, no matter what kind of sweet snack was included in the box lunch everyone lost interest.

Just go away.

And stay away.

Another Voice | January 10, 2017 at 1:14 am

Greta: 2nd Edition-New Venue
Reminds me of an author who took time to write a couple of really good novels and then sold out for the 5/5, 5 new books in 5 years and delivers with the required number of words on a page to constitute a book….dribble and meaningless. Do you remember that author? Neither do I. But it was a really good paycheck!

Jarrett is a corrupt piece of garbage, being taken out just in time, before the stench of her rot could be permanent.

Trump should appoint a special squad solely to trace every one of Jarrett’s actions and reverse them.

President Jarrett

Obama was just an amateur golfer who occasionally had to take time off to read her decisions off a teleprompter.

This has been the typical attitude of the Obamunists since they got into power. “Bipartisan,” for them, means “Shut up and do what we tell you.”

This POS can’t be gone quickly enough!

“A phone and a pen”

Who really cares?

Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out of the White House!

“Forward” depends on which direction one is facing. To those that advocate self-reliant citizens, a free-market economy, and a constitutionally limited government, Valery Jarrett is just on the wrong path.

The face of pure evil.

What this ferret-faced fraud doesn’t understand is that her and Obama’s idea of “what’s good for the country” — i.e, “fundamentally transforming” it into another third-rate Muslim kleptocracy — is not what the majority of Americans want.

Hence, Trump.

Jarrett has been the real President for the last 8 years.

casualobserver | January 10, 2017 at 12:01 pm

In a way I’m happy with her public statements. I wonder if she and most of the party really believe much of their post election spin. They do after all live and die by opinion polling and the country has been telling pollsters for years that they see it differently. And voting outcomes have been crystal clear.

So this public denial and refusal to face the mood of the populace is a good thing it seems. A good thing if you want change and some reversals.

That’s not an exit interview. An exit interview has questions such as:

> Have you turned in all of your keys and identity cards?
> Do you have any classified material still in your possession that should be returned?
> Have you submitted a list of ongoing projects you were formerly involved in, what resources they have allocated to them, and contact people?
> Have you returned all governmental issued laptops, cell phones, or other electronic devices, along with the passwords to unlock them.
> Have you ensured that all governmental emails sent or received during your government service have been archived as required under the law?
> Will you sign this document signifying your truthful responses to all statements you have made during this interview, under penalty of perjury?

I thought they would come to the table and really try to work with us to focus on what we could do to move our country forward together… So opening it with “Deal with it. We won” was the way to go. One of the most satisfying things I’ve experienced lately is being able to throw that back at them.

Sorry Val, most Americans were just not into Obie.

Republicans used to do ‘What’s Good for the Country’ while Democrats did ‘What’s Good for their part of Country’

    MikeE in reply to Neo. | January 12, 2017 at 3:20 pm

    It has always seemed to me that Democrats did what was good for their Party. And, most of the time, they succeeded.

Another example of liberals questioning the patriotism of Republicans. But when Republicans do it? Outrage!
She’s earned the title of “vacuous cipher” ( I’d say she ill-served Obama with her counsel, but Obama is responsible for keeping her in his inner circle for his entire eight years.

Partisan to the bitter end. She fits right in with the rest of the Democrats.