Surprise! "Impeach Trump" Effort Launched on Inauguration Day
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Surprise! “Impeach Trump” Effort Launched on Inauguration Day

Surprise! “Impeach Trump” Effort Launched on Inauguration Day

Claim Trump is already in violation of the Constitution

Within minutes of President Trump’s inauguration, Roots Action and Institute for Free Speech for People launched their website, “Impeach Donald Trump Now.”

The Hill reports:

A website called went live quickly after his inauguration.

The website was created by Free Speech for People and RootsAction, two liberal advocacy groups, according to The Washington Post.

The website includes a case for President Trump’s impeachment, citing conflicts of interest with his sprawling business empire.

“If we were wait for all the ill effects that could come from this, too much damage to our democracy would occur,” Ron Fein, legal director at Free Speech for People, told The Washington Post. “It will undermine faith in basic institutions. If nothing else, it’s important for Americans to trust that the president is doing what he thinks is the right thing … not that it would help jump-start a stalled casino project in another country.”

Trump’s two adult sons are now in charge of his businesses. Trump promised no new foreign deals from them during his time in the White House, he said at his first press conference since the summer in January.

Fein told the Post that the group believes Trump will already be in violation of the Constitution for accepting a gift from a foreign leader or government.


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Whiskey Bravo | January 22, 2017 at 5:57 pm

Really? Seriously?

*crickets chirping*

ImpeachforPeace | January 22, 2017 at 8:06 pm

If you’re going to report on one of the petitions to impeach Trump. Why not cover the one with the most legitimacy, namely the one that invokes the rule of the House of Representatives which allows individual citizens to initiate impeachment? That petition is located here…

    Is this a serious question? How do you think you are going to get the House, with a GOP majority of 241-194 to even consider much less pursue impeachment charges of a Republican president?

    Look, I get it. I spent eight years in your position, but the facts are that impeachment of a president is extreme and not taken lightly by either House of Congress. You can submit your “citizen’s arrest” reports all day long, and exactly nothing will happen. Spend your time wisely, trying to get Democrats elected to both House and Senate in the 2018 midterm.

    Did you take your meds today?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to ImpeachforPeace. | January 23, 2017 at 10:11 am

    This reminds me of when I was constructing ponds on my estate. Water would flow in from an adjacent wetland with hundreds of small fish. I would pump that water out and those fish would end up very close to each other, impotent to change their fate. The Blue Herons and their young would come in and eat all those fish. Day after day they would feast, and that was great, because rotting fish smell even worse that your group.

“If we were wait for all the ill effects that could come from this, too much damage to our democracy would occur …”

So, they’re trying to complain about a crime that even they can’t claim has occurred.

A crime which hasn’t happened yet isn’t a crime at all. And it therefore falls a bit short of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard which might justify impeachment.

What a passel of weirdos.

Concerned about accepting gifts from foreign governments? Wow, a Demorat hasn’t done that…today (as far as I know).

What desperation… what insanity…what treason, and they said NOTHING for 8 years of Obama’s treason and fraud. Pathetic excuses for Americans. They all need to be deported and lose their citizenship.