St. Catherine University Buses Students to Women’s March

Do the administrators of this Catholic school know these marches are pro-abortion? How could they not know this?

Campus Reform reports:

Another Catholic university buses students to pro-abortion rallySt. Catherine University, a two-campus Catholic school in Minnesota, sent two busloads of students to the pro-abortion Women’s March-Minnesota on Saturday.“On Saturday, Jan. 21, nearly 100 members of the University community will join the Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for Women and the Mission Chair in Women’s Education at St. Kate’s at the Women’s March–Minnesota,” the online event description states. “Marching for ‘peace without prejudice’ and for inclusion, equality and justice, the Center for Women and the Mission Chair in Women’s Education invite students, staff, faculty, alumnae, Sisters, and friends to participate in this historic event.”The description even declares that students will be marching to “prevent violence against women, ensure the safety and well-being of immigrants and those of all faiths, [and] support all women’s access to affordable healthcare.””Together, we will send a message to our leaders and the world that we stand for human dignity, equal rights, and freedom from discrimination,” said Sharon Doherty and Allison Adrian, who helped organize the university’s plans for attendance. “Ours is a peaceful, nonpartisan march.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Women's March