Rhode Island Teacher To Bring Students to Anti-Trump Protest

Central Falls High School math teacher Seth Kolker has organized a trip for a group of students to attend the “Women’s March on Washington” to protest against President-elect Donald Trump the day after his inauguration:

Central Falls High School math teacher Seth Kolker has independently organized the group. He did so to help students “channel their fear, anger and confusion” after the election, when they began asking such questions as, “Will I be deported,” or “Are Latinos going to be allowed to go to high school in America anymore?””When I mentioned the Women’s March on Washington to my students, their enthusiasm was overwhelming,” says Kolker, 24. “The potential to take part in a peaceful protest in the name of human rights – it just makes so much sense. My students have concerns that range from the security of their families, to their rights as transgender children, to the very functioning of our core democratic institutions.”The Rhode Island Chapter of the Women’s March on Washington (www.riwomensmarch.com) helped the group raise $7,000 towards bus transportation and insurance through Crowdrise. Kolker expects they will reach their $8,000 goal. This is not a school trip, though most are Central Falls students and many attend Central Falls High.

Um, okay. I seriously wonder how the school district would react if a teacher organized a trip for a group of students to participate in the March For Life in D.C. Something tells me no.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Rhode Island, Social Justice