Q Poll – Hillary Would Trounce de Blasio in NYC Mayor Race

The nightmare casting has begun.

Fresh off her second failed presidential bid, and Hillary’s chances at running New York City are being weighed.

A Quinnipiac poll released today tested a hypothetical Hillary mayoral race against that of incumbent, Mayor Bill de Blasio. Several other local politicians were thrown into the mix for fun.

In this fictitious showdown, Hillary leads de Blasio 49 to 30 percent. 49% say the mayor “does not deserve re-election.”:

While he tops possible challengers in a hypothetical Democratic primary, de Blasio falls short of the 40 percent needed to avoid a primary run-off. And former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn or City Comptroller Scott Stringer would be serious challengers running as independent candidates in a general election face-off. Results for a hypothetical Democratic primary show:De Blasio – 35 percent;Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn – 11 percent;City Comptroller Scott Stringer – 9 percent;U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries – 8 percent;Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. – 5 percent;State Sen. Tony Avella – 1 percent.”New Yorkers aren’t in love with Mayor Bill de Blasio, but they seem to like him better than other possible choices – except Hillary Clinton, who probably is an impossible choice,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “None of the possible contenders has made any real noise or spent any money, so this race still could get interesting.”

If Hillary does decide to run for office again, New York City voters (except for Staten Island) seem open to the possibility. Or at least they do in this dream poll.

Lord help us all.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: Hillary Clinton, New York City