Pierce College Puyallup Students: Gender Neutral Bathrooms Not Up To Standards

What so many college administrators don’t understand about the left is that they are never satisfied. Every time you give in, a new list of demands appears.

Campus Reform reported:

Pierce students say new all-gender restrooms not good enoughStudents at Pierce College Puyallup are not satisfied with the new all-gender bathrooms on campus, complaining of slow-opening automatic doors, excessive water pressure, and timed lights that turn off too quickly.According to The Puyallup Post, two all-gender restrooms were created last year at the behest of students concerned about accessibility for transgender students, but now the students are asserting that the new facilities are not equal to other bathrooms on campus, as required by Title IX.Both were originally “family restrooms” that have since been redesignated, but some students believe that the placards are the only thing to have changed.According to The Post, one of the restrooms is completely bare of paper towels, boasting only a weak hand dryer, and lacks feminine hygiene products for those who require them. The automatic door is also deemed problematic, because it takes 45 seconds to open and close, as are the timed lights that turn off on students who are unable to keep their visit succinct.

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