Palestinians already planning terror campaign if U.S. Embassy moves to Jerusalem

Yesterday I asked, Has Trump gone soft on Jerusalem Embassy move after threats of violence?

Those threats already are moving into the operational planning phase, with the Fatah Party, to which Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas belongs, mapping out its terror strategy.

PalMedia Watch reports, Fatah has already planned a terror campaign to prevent US embassy move:

Abbas’ Fatah Movement has already held meetings in preparation for a terror campaign against Israel should the United States decide to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, according to Deputy Secretary of Fatah’s Jerusalem branch, Shadi Mattour.
Mattour told official PA TV that Fatah is holding meetings with “all the field leaders in the branches and the Shabiba (Fatah’s youth movement)… in preparation for a fierce popular intifada.” He declared that Fatah “won’t hesitate to take to the streets and return to confronting the occupation using all means.”
The term “using all means” is a Palestinian euphemism for violence and terror. Already last week, Palestinian Media Watch reported that PA and Fatah leaders are preparing the population for a violent response to a decision to move the embassy by threatening that an  embassy move will lead to bloodshed .
Tags: Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Incitement, Palestinian Terror, Trump Israel