Obama Will Never Leave You Alone

When George W. Bush finished his second term, he quietly exited the national stage and allowed the age of Obama to begin without interference. Obama has no intention of affording his successor the same courtesy.

He is a different man than Bush. He loves the spotlight too much to leave. He also knows that the press loves him more than Trump and will run to him for comment on everything Trump does.

If you thought you were rid of Obama, guess again.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Obama: I won’t leave on Jan 20President Obama used his final weekly address in 2016 to make it plainer than ever that he won’t retire quietly once Donald Trump is sworn in as president.Couching his address to the nation as assurance that he will remain committed to defending the “progress” achieved by his administration, the president made it crystal clear that he intends to be a thorn in President Trump’s side after the official handover of power on Jan. 20.Offering the clearest indication yet of his plan to be active on the political scene after he is ostensibly back in private life, Obama said Saturday, “As I prepare to take on the even more important role of citizen, know that I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that this country forever strives to live up to the incredible promise of our founding — that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve every chance to live out our dreams.”…When Obama expected, and most polls indicated, that Hillary Clinton was going to win the White House, the president suggested that he looked forward to a quiet retirement. But now he says his plans have changed. The unmistakable suggestion is that Obama claims he needs to stay active to guard the nation against Trump’s predations.

Here is Obama’s final weekly address:

Twitchy has collected some responses to this:

Obama is returning to the role of community organizer. It’s the position in which he is the most comfortable and now he has the world stage.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Obama - Post Presidency