The left is so excited about the Women’s March. They’re convincing themselves this is one of the most important things that’s ever happened.
The Daily Caller reports:
TRASH HEAP-BOUND Women’s Anti-Trump March Signs Are Exhibit-Worthy Artifacts Now, Professors SaySome professors have decided to salvage gobs upon gobs of handcrafted signs left carelessly behind by participants in this weekend’s Women’s March because the professors believe the signs will become historical artifacts representing “a kind of unique collective expression of a collective action.”The professors are faculty members at Northeastern University in Boston, where an estimated 175,000 people marched under the guise of women’s rights. (Some 600 similar rallies occurred simultaneously on Saturday. The main one occurred in Washington, D.C.)The Northeastern professors happened upon the vast throng of signs as city workers were preparing to clear Boston’s heavily littered streets on Saturday evening, reports The Boston Globe.The professors hastily rented a van and collected as many signs from the mile-long march as they could. They even recruiting bystanders to help with the effort.