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Miami Mayor Orders Jails to Comply With Federal Immigration Laws

Miami Mayor Orders Jails to Comply With Federal Immigration Laws

“We will now go back to our 2014 policy that we will honor the detention requests regardless of the fact that the government says they’ll pay for it.”

Miami Mayor Carlos Gimenez has ordered municipal jails to comply with President Trump’s recent Executive Order which reinforces federal immigration regulations and laws.

In an interview with Fox and Friends Friday morning, Mayor Gimenez said, “”When the president (Donald Trump) issued his executive order, he just put an exclamation point for me on that issue. It really was a no-brainer. It’s a $52,000 a year issue for Miami-Dade, so we will now go back to our 2014 policy that we will honor the detention requests regardless of the fact that the government says they’ll pay for it.”

President Trump lauded Mayor Gimenez’s decision:

Not all mayors are so supportive of Trump’s new immigration hardline. Three democratic mayors vowed to resist the executive order.

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As they say, money talks and BS walks… we’ll see how long these big-talking dims holdout.

amatuerwrangler | January 27, 2017 at 4:40 pm

They will talk their $h*t until 1) the check from the grant administration doesn’t show up in the mailbox, and/or 2) a repo team shows up for the SWAT vehicle and all the associated gear.

They are so used to spineless administrators (like themselves) backing down at the last minute, they have apoplexy when someone actually does what they say they will do. Love it!

Awesome. Equal treatment before the law.

Now we can talk about emigration reform, refugee crises, and immigration not exceeding the rate of assimilation and integration.

Amazed that ‘Mayor orders police to obey the law’ is news. I guess after the last eight years…

Those vowing to defy federal immigration law…. Arizona was beaten and bullied over this by the previous administration…. “It’s a federal decision…”

So, now the feds want to enforce the law, tough, mayors…

They basically want to be the “new” confederacy…. Which would be fine by me, if they would let the rest of live in peace and not nag us when we want to go our own way, also. That’s the rub. They always insist we do EXACTLY as they instruct us, while they never have to come in our direction. That’s their position. Such arrogance; it still leaves me breathless. Who do these people think they are? God?