Fabulous California! 1st in Nation to Fund Inmate’s Sex Reassignment Surgery

Fabulous California! 1st in nation to fund inmate’s sex reassignment surgery

California politicos are going all-in when it comes to squandering taxpayer dollars for social justice causes! Last week it was reported that California has arranged for the completion of expensive sex-reassignment surgery so that a man serving a life sentence for murder has been transformed into a woman, and is now on her way to a woman’s prison to complete the full sentence.

California prison officials agreed in August 2015 to pay for the surgery for Shiloh Heavenly Quine, who was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery for ransom and has no possibility of parole.Quine’s case led the state to become the first to set standards that will allow other transgender inmates to apply to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery. It also prompted a federal magistrate to require California to provide transgender female inmates housed in men’s facilities with more female-oriented items such as nightgowns, scarves and necklaces.“For too long, institutions have ignored doctors and casually dismissed medically necessary and life-saving care for transgender people just because of who we are,” said Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center, which represents Quine and other transgender inmates.

The cost of sex-reassignment surgery can approach $100,000, especially you add the cost of hormone maintenance treatments.

If California’s politicos were so keen to spend that money, perhaps paying some compensation for the family of Quine’s victim would have been the better investment:

Quine and an accomplice kidnapped and fatally shot 33-year-old Shahid Ali Baig, a father of three, in downtown Los Angeles in February 1980, stealing $80 and his car during a drug- and alcohol-fueled rampage.

As a result of Quine’s crime, the two daughters and one small boy grew up without a father. I would argue that Baig’s children have been denied real justice as California’s politicians quest for social justice.

However, before non-Californians in the Legal Insurrection audience laugh at our state’s antics, they should know that you are also helping with the tab. Joyce Hayhoe, a spokeswoman for the federal court-appointed official who controls California’s prison medical care, explains:

A portion of the state’s expense will generally be reimbursed by the federal government, Hayhoe said. The percentage varies depending on individual circumstances, but it can cover up to 95 percent of allowable charges.

There are 31 different genders that are recognized by another deep blue center of social justice activism: New York City! See how many you can define:

Given this plethora of imaginary gender options, the potential to squander vast amounts money in ways neither truly rehabilitate the prisoners or provide real justice to their victims is mind-boggling.

I hope President Donald Trump and the members of his administration reduce this list to 2 genders and 29 delusions, and ensure American tax dollars no longer pay for gender identity follies.

Make Justice Real Again!

Tags: California, Social Justice