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College Democrats at UVA Release Weak List of Anti-Trump ‘Actions’

College Democrats at UVA Release Weak List of Anti-Trump ‘Actions’

“read the Democratic Party platform”

College Democrats at the University of Virginia are looking to counter Trump’s first 100 days but the’re off to a weak start.

The Daily Caller reports:

Read College Dems’ Pathetic Anti-Trump Action List

The University Democrats of The University of Virginia announced their counter-action agenda in response to President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office Thursday, according to the Cavalier Daily, the student newspaper.

The University Democrats are affiliated with the national Democratic Party, and work to facilitate local and statewide races. The group’s objective is “to inform students and the community about the values of the Democratic Party,” the group’s website asserts.

To that end, Democratic students at UVA created their “first 100 days” action plan to help students oppose Trump, and a lot of the entries are weak at best…

Some of the items, like “Contact your representatives” and “read the Democratic Party platform” aim to get more students involved in the political process, but others betray the bubble that a majority of Democratic students at UVA occupy.

“Participate in ‘the SNAP challenge’ for a day” encourages UVA students to only spend the same amount of money on food as the average family on food stamps for a single day. Another item on the checklist is to “donate to a charity” and watch a series of documentaries on Netflix.

UVA Democrats also urge members to “make a political piece of art,” “buy a political bumper sticker,” and “ask a University employee how their day has been” in order to fight Trump’s agenda in the White House.


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Makes me ashamed to be from the “804,” only a stone’s throw from this bastion of communism and stupidity. Ever since Rolling Stone’s rape hoax story, they have behaved abominably. Thomas Jefferson is not only rolling in his grave, he’s having a stroke.