Anti-Trump ‘Teach In’ at Georgetown Gets Meager Attendance

You didn’t hear about this event because it pretty much failed. If it had been successful, the media would have covered it widely.

Red Alert Politics reports:

Flop: Georgetown’s anti-Trump “resistance” teach-in attracts little supportWith only days until President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office, liberals and social justice warriors are strategizing ways to resist the Republican agenda. And it’s consumed college professors and students.Georgetown University hosted a “teach-in” on Saturday billed as a forum on “the nature of the relationship of Trumpism to racism, bigotry, and oppression” and “the urgent question of how the left should move forward.” However, the 8-hour event in which around 100 liberal students attended did little to actually address those themes.Instead of finding ways to productively counteract Trump’s agenda or build coalitions to amplify their voices, the four different panel discussions took turns sharing their thoughts on Trump’s victory, white privilege, and the evil Georgetown administration.“[Trump’s win must be] understood as a backlash to the Black Lives Matter movement,” Marcia Chatelain, a history professor at Georgetown, told the crowd.Other activists at the event believe that the only way to make allies is to vet their positions and ensure their liberal purity.“[Every group] needs to be clear on what ideological grounds you stand on,” Eugene Puryear of the ANSWER coalition said. Puryear’s organization, ironically enough, has ties to anti-Israel and communist groups. But who cares, right?The forum appeared to further cement that liberals live in an echo chamber in which they aren’t looking to evangelize others to their cause. Rather, they prefer allies who are “woke” enough to join their efforts because that’s less time spent recruiting and more time spent shouting down others who don’t agree with them.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection