Trump Will Have Transition Support From the Obamas

In her final interview as First Lady, Michelle Obama pledged her support to the incoming Trump administration.

Mrs. Obama’s final interview was with Oprah.

Politico reported:

“As I’ve said time and time again, words matter,” the first lady told Oprah Winfrey in an interview broadcast Monday. “And they matter most to our kids. And the words that we say moving forward — all of us — it matters, which is one of the reasons why Barack and I are so supportive of this transition.”…“Because no matter how we felt going into it, it is important for the health of this nation that we support the commander in chief,” she said, still refusing to use Trump’s name. “Wasn’t done when my husband took office, but we’re going high, and this is what’s best for the country. So we are gonna be there for the next president and do whatever we have to do to make sure that he is successful because if he succeeds, we all succeed.”

Mrs. Obama also discussed how she was following Mrs. Bush’s lead by offering advice to Melania Trump:

In a separate clip that aired Monday morning, Obama took a softer tone, remarking that she followed Laura Bush’s lead and told Melania Trump when the two met privately at the White House, “You really don’t know what you don’t know until you’re here, so the door’s open.”“I’m not new in this ‘going high’ thing,” she added. “I’m modeling what was done for me by the Bushes.”

When asked if she had plans to run for office, Mrs. Obama emphatically denied the rumors saying she wasn’t “coy” and if she had plans to do so, she would say as much. “It’s not something that you cavalierly just sort of ask a family to do again, but let me just tell America: This is hard. It’s a hard job. I said it on the campaign trail. It requires a lot of sacrifice. It is a weighty thing,” she said.

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Tags: Michelle Obama, Trump Administration