Christmas Music | flash mob | Hallelujah Chorus | video
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The Ultimate Christmas Flash Mob Video!

The Ultimate Christmas Flash Mob Video!


We featured this video last year and liked it so much, we’re doing it again.

Christmas flash mobs have become very popular over the last few years but so far none have matched the outstanding effort put forth by the Opera Company of Philadelphia in 2010.

The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah is a staple of Christmas music for good reason but when singers from multiple groups joined to create this moment on video, history was made.

The looks on the faces of the unsuspecting shoppers are priceless and the quality of the performance is outstanding. If you’ve never seen this before, you’re in for a real treat.

9.1 Million YouTube viewers can’t be wrong.

Merry Christmas from everyone at Legal Insurrection!

Turn it up and enjoy:


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Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

casualobserver | December 25, 2016 at 9:57 am

To have been in that cavernous location listening was bound to be inspiring.

On a political note – and this is a serious question – just 6 years later I wonder if Macy’s would now find itself buried on social media and the victim of boycotts and lawsuits for having “allowed” it.