President of Cornell Republicans Physically Assaulted Over Politics

The unhinged left thinks they’re morally superior and therefore justified in doing things like this.

The College Fix reports:

Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’The president of the Cornell University College Republicans was shoved to the ground and called a “racist bitch” the night after the election, and campus officials are currently investigating the incident.“I was actually assaulted on campus for being a Republican,” Olivia Corn told The Tab. “I had someone throw me to the ground and say: ‘Fuck you, racist bitch, you support a racist party.”Corn gave the same account to The Ithaca Voice.“Out of nowhere I was on my phone and looking at my email and out of nowhere I felt two hands grab my shoulders and just sort of threw me to the ground, and they were yelling ‘Fuck you racist bitch, you support a racist party,’” Corn said.She has reported the incident to Cornell police and the university’s Title IX office.“I now walk with an alarm at all times. That’s pretty much my new normal. I don’t walk by myself after a certain time, once it gets dark. And that’s not something I should have to be concerned with,” Corn told The Tab. “I’m a college student, I’m just trying to get good grades, get to law school, keep my head down – besides being the head of an organization.

Tags: College Insurrection, Cornell