Liberal environmentalist compares Trump to Hitler, complains about “toxic rhetoric”

If you haven’t already discovered Tucker Carlson’s new Fox News show, weekdays at 7pm, do yourself a favor and check it out.

This Insurrectionist says it’s the most entertaining conservative hour on TV. Carlson opens most shows with a left-wing guest whom he politely, but fearlessly, takes on. Tonight’s lib, environmentalist Erin Schrode, had, in response to Time naming Donald Trump its Person of the Year, compared Trump to Hitler.

When toward the end of the segment, Schrode decried Trump’s “name-calling and hate speech and toxic rhetoric,” Carlson pounced. “You just compared this guy to Hitler and then with a straight face you’re going to accuse him of engaging in hate speech?!! I’m sorry. I can barely hear. The irony alarm is so loud in the background.” Can’t remember the last time I saw a lefty so clearly confronted with her flaming hypocrisy!

Dare I say that, with his urbane, rapier wit, Carlson is a worthy heir to William F. Buckley, Jr., whose Firing Line forever set the standard for conservative TV?

TUCKER CARLSON: Time magazine just reminded us it exists by naming President-elect Donald Trump as the Person of the Year. Fair enough. Hard to think of anyone more newsworthy this year than Donald Trump. But to many on the left Time’s cover was a reminder that Trump is indeed going to be president, and was therefore a trigger. Here is one person who felt that way, Erin Schrode, she’s a Democrat, a former congressional Democrat from California. Erin, thanks a lot for joining us tonight.ERIN SCHRODE: Thanks for having me.TUCKER: So, the reason I want to talk with you is a tweet you sent out after seeing the cover I think on the Today show this morning and you wrote this “Adolf Hitler was Time’s Man of the Year in 1938. Donald Trump is Time’s Man of the Year in 2016. Discuss.” And I just saw the irony there, because comparing someone to Hitler, of course, is not an invitation to discuss. It’s the end of the discussion, isn’t it?. . .SCHRODE: Name-calling and hate speech and toxic rhetoric is how we have arrived at this point. We have a President-elect who has built a whole campaign cycle around it.TUCKER: You just compared this guy to Hitler and then with a straight face you’re going to accuse him of engaging in hate speech?!! I’m sorry. I can barely hear. The irony alarm is so loud in the background. I don’t mean to be cruel to you. But I’m just saying, if you don’t recognize that.

Here is the entire segment:

Tags: Liberals, Tucker Carlson