It ain’t over yet – Israelis worried about more Obama UN moves

I’ve been warning that Obama’s passage of the recent anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution was not necessarily the “final” jab at Israel.

Obama still has three more weeks left in which time he can achieve substantial UN action.

The Israelis have reason to be fearful, asserting they have ‘Ironclad Information’ the Obama administration both pushed and helped craft the prior Resolution.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging his ministers not to attack Obama personally, reflecting the widely accepted view that Obama was acting out of spite and personal animus:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Likud ministers Sunday to stop criticizing US President Barack Obama and calling for annexing territories and building in settlements as a response to United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 that passed Friday.In a meeting with Likud ministers, he warned them that Obama could follow up on his decision to abstain on the anti-Israel resolution by taking further steps against Israel before he leaves office on January 20.

Haaretz reports on how Israel Fears American, French Initiative in Paris Conference Before Obama Leaves Office:

Israel fears that the United States and France want to advance another move on the Israeli-Palestinian issue before the Obama administration wraps up its term.A senior official in Jerusalem said that during Sunday’s security cabinet meeting, ministers were presented with an assessment that during the international foreign ministers’ meeting scheduled for January 15 in Paris as part of the French peace initiative, a series of decisions on the peace process will be made. These will immediately be brought to the UN Security Council for a vote and will be adopted there before January 20.The move presented to the ministers led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to tell the Likud ministers during their subsequent meeting that Friday’s vote in the Security Council on the settlements was not the end of the story and that there are liable to be other steps taken by the international community, the official added.Representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the National Security Council and others who attended the security cabinet meeting presented information indicating that the trend in talks between France, the U.S. and other countries in preparation for the foreign ministers’ meeting tended toward advancing such a move, he added.According to the information that Israel has, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wants to utilize the foreign ministers’ parley, which will be attended by representatives of dozens of countries, to deliver an address that presents his vision for the two-state solution. The senior official said that Israel fears this address will include American principles for resolving the core issues of borders, refugees, security arrangements and Jerusalem.

This all could be done on very short notice, as the recent UN Resolution, which technically was a non-binding expression of views, not subject to the Security Council’s enforcement authority.

Except this time, the new Resolution imposing a “solution” of the conflict could become binding if done under Security Council enforcement authority.

For his part, Netanyahu is lashing out as the countries that supported the prior resolution, defiantly going to the Western Wall, a place the Obama-backed resolution declared illegally occupied by Israel:

Netanyahu continues to rail against the 14 countries who voted in favor of Resolution 2334, asking “those same states who wish us a Happy Hanukkah — how could they vote that [the Western Wall] is occupied territory? We were here much earlier.”

Meanwhile, Israelis are united in opposition to the use of the UN to deprive Jews of their rights in Jerusalem and elsewhere:

Tags: Eugene Kontorovich, Israel, John Kerry, Obama Foreign Policy