Increased Number of Over-tatted Millennials Seeking Tattoo Removal
Sometimes parents are right
The scars of youth are forever…unless you can afford a good plastic surgeon.
A New Jersey-based plastic surgeon has seen an influx of younguns looking to undo their permanent marks of self-expression. Turns out, not all employers are fans of neck tats and gauged earlobes.
From North Jersey:
Some people get really carried away,” says Sterman, chief of plastic surgery at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck. The multiple holes are one thing. But then there’s the many large and heavy objects hung from all those holes — and we’re not just talking regular old diamond stud earrings or tiny crucifixes anymore — before the poor ear is literally stretched to its outermost limits.
Call it a strange sign of the times. Some doctors, like Sterman, say they are noticing more and more millennials coming in because their ears have become deformed from overpiercing and need reconstructive surgery.
And it’s not just ear piercing. Many are seeking to reverse the impulsive, perhaps keg-fueled decisions of their not-quite-lost youths. That tongue piercing, that bone through the nose, that conspicuously placed tattoo you got in college may not go over so big now in a job interview, or in the board room. It’s time to conform to the real world.
The real world is mean, and unless you’re fortunate enough to earn a living in the creative sphere, probably not very forgiving of permanent body art.
“There has been an influx of people, millennials in particular, who have a lot of body piercings — mainly facial piercings — that they are looking to change,” says Dr. Laurence Milgrim, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Teaneck. “These are large earring holes, larger than the usual stud hole. When the earlobe and other parts of their bodies are expanded, they have trouble in the classic work force. Nose piercings, ear piercings … and tattoo removal, especially on the neck, where it’s noticeable, has become popular.”
An estimated 36 percent of Americans have at least one piercing somewhere other than an earlobe, according to a 2012 Pew Research study. Other research suggests the figure is as high as 56 percent for those between 17 and 25.
In most cases, the ravaged earlobe, the mutilated upper-ear cartilage, the messed-up tongue piercing and even the most elaborate tattoo can be removed or fixed in one or more visits.
“As plastic surgeons, we do fix them, and we can do a very nice job. I have had people with massively stretched-out ear lobes and now, you would not even be able to tell,” says Dr. Daniel Maman, a board-certified plastic surgeon at 740 Park Plastic Surgery in Manhattan. “It depends. But I have fixed some severe deformities under a local anesthesia and here in the office.”
Earlobe reconstructive surgery and quality tattoo removal cost anywhere from $500 to $2,000 a pop.
Let that be a lesson to all you young whipper-snappers — what’s desirable now may prove prohibitive later.
I for one am glad Professor Jacobson has no problem with our neck tattoos.*
* We don’t really have neck tattoos. Yet.
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Rebels with a cause and without a clue. Then we grow up.
Marge’s reaction, as Bart imagines it, when he shows her his new MOTHER tattoo: “Oh Bart, that’s so sweet. It’s the best present a mother could get, and it makes you look so dangerous.”
At 00:33-00:56,
Next they’ll be pulling down their facebook pictures with bright red, pink, purple or green hair. What is this world coming to.
I know I’ll get a ration of hate from the tat crowd for this comment.
Tat’s are what poor people get in order to tell the world how unique they are. They are for the feeble mind seeking external validation from people they don’t know, yet unable to accept the constructive criticism and words of caution from those with the most wisdom in their life. Like the taboo cigarette to the rebel teen, they think it states that they are too cool for school, which if put another way translates to screaming “I am stupid and easily manipulated” to the world in a very permanent way.
At least that’s the lecture I’ll give my daughter when she comes of age.
As for the ears, as an employer I’d be more impressed if you’ve got some serious cauliflower ears than those stupid donut holes. At least then I’d know you were tough enough to get your butt kicked for a season or too.
Andy, I’ll second all that, and add something else. I spent 26 years in the Air Force, and was literally all over the world. I’ve seen all kinds of women, also all over the world, with varying degrees of clothes on. Women come in all shapes and sizes and skin hues, but there is a Truth that applies to them all: I have never… I repeat never… seen a woman with a tattoo who wouldn’t have looked better without it.
Agreed. Good tats look great on men. Great tats look bad on women. Tats are for men only.
You do not need a plastic surgeon to remove tats – use laser tat removal instead.
Been there, done that.
You know what I mean?
Next, they’ll seek ‘progressive indoctrination’ removal. For that, they can start reading Rush Limbaugh’s children’s book series, “Rush Revere.”
They can read it while they’re getting their tattoos burned off:
BTW kids, tattoo removal is iffy at best.
I love it when other people get tattoos; it reduces the competition my tatless kids will face trying for good jobs.
So wait, you mean employers won’t want to hire me if I look like I fell face first in a tackle box and have a pot tattoo on my neck?
I mean seriously I have been in business that do hire people with lots of tat’s and piercings, I usually don’t go back again.
I know you’re a new mama, Kemberlee, but when it comes to this stuff, parents are ALWAYS right. ALWAYS. 🙂
Not always. I have several and each is connected to my military service or in one case my family crest. Seventeen in all and not a single one can be seen with a short sleeve shirt on.
When I was in the Marines in the early 70’s, they had a rule. Any tattoo had to be covered when you were in a long sleeve shirt. . The 4 I have are covered by a short sleeve shirt. I also learned that you do not get names unless it is your parents or children. Back then the only remedy was a larger darker tat to cover up the mistake. That’s why I have a large black horse on my left arm. 🙂
I would bet you that the majority of the people who have to get reconstruction were told the risks and given instructions as to how to minimize them at some point, but didn’t follow through. From my very limited experience, body piercers are surprisingly professional.
Also, if you want piercings for yourself because they make you happy, fine, but my guess is that a lot of the people who got them did so in order to fit in, stand out, etc. In the long run, it probably would have been easier for them to just find some new friends rather than spending time & money to change who & what they are.
My opinion has always been that if you are not happy with the way you are, tattoos and piercings are not going to change that. There is nothing that is a quicker turn-off than an otherwise pretty girl with tats and metal.
I love the photo of “No Ragrets” haha. Meet the Millers was such a funny movie. It is very true though. Tattoos are permanent and there are some employers who will not tolerate tattoos showing. I feel that many companies in this day and age are ok with Tattoos showing in the workplace as long as you carry yourself. If you guys are interested in tattoos, I would totally check out the No Limits Tattoo Expo in New York. It Rocks! 🙂 No Regerts! LOL
I love the photo of “No Ragrets” haha. Meet the Millers was such a funny movie. It is very true though. Tattoos are permanent and there are some employers who will not tolerate tattoos showing. I feel that many companies in this day and age are ok with Tattoos showing in the workplace as long as you carry yourself. If you guys are interested in tattoos, I would totally check out the No Limits Tattoo Expo in New York. It Rocks! ???? No Regerts! LOL