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Georgetown U. Event Promotes Bill Forcing Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Georgetown U. Event Promotes Bill Forcing Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

“every guest speaker’s ties to abortion advocacy was documented”

Georgetown is technically a Catholic school. How is this even possible?

Life News reports:

Georgetown University Event Promotes Bill Forcing Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Among the many morally objectionable presentations made at a recent abortion advocacy symposium that took place at Georgetown University was the final address of the day, which was dedicated to rallying support for a bill forcing taxpayers to fund abortions.

The Cardinal Newman Society reported last week that Georgetown University played host to a November 11 event entitled “Dismantling Reproductive Injustices: The Hyde Amendment and Criminalization of Self-Induced Abortion.” The purpose of the event was to discuss the “injustices” of legal barriers to abortion and how they can be overcome. The Newman Society’s article noted:

Every featured speaker at the symposium is in some way involved in trying to legalize, normalize or support abortion either through their personal activism or through their employers and affiliated organizations. And the event was co-sponsored by the abortion advocacy organization If/When/How along with a Georgetown institute that publicly supports abortion on its website, the O’Neill Institute.

Information on every guest speaker’s ties to abortion advocacy was documented. But the final speaker of the day, who was omitted from the published agenda, wasn’t included in the Newman Society’s report. That guest speaker was Kelsey Ryland, senior policy and legislative affairs manager for the pro-abortion All* Above All campaign.


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