Georgetown Offers Credit for Attending Anti-Trump Event

If this is what our higher education system is going to be like for the next four to eight years, it deserves to collapse.

The Daily Caller reports:

Georgetown Offers Class Credit For Attending Anti-Trump Teach-InA professor at Georgetown University offered her students course credit if they attended a teach-in rallying opposition against president-elect Donald Trump.The class “The Cultural Politics of HIV in the US and South Africa” required students to attend a World AIDS Days event and write a 2-3 page paper about it, according to a new report from Campus Reform. But since many of the events were off-campus or required students to buy a ticket, Prof. April Sizemore-Barber offered her class an alternative: A Dec. 3 on-campus event, “Teach-In for Radical Hope: Sowing Seeds of Liberation.”The teach-in was an overtly political event, inviting participants to “channel all the anti-Trump rage into a pro-Liberation rhetoric that moves people into action.” According to a write-up at the time, the teach-in touched on a wide array of progressive topics, from illegal immigration to labor rights to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Attendees directly compared Trump to Adolf Hitler and one even said “violence may be necessary” to stop his administration, according to Campus Reform.

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump