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Branco Cartoon – Party Like It’s 1949

Branco Cartoon – Party Like It’s 1949

Almost Out of Time

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Yep….Israel is the most recent clear example, though Obama’s been doing that for, oh, eight years now to many.

MC, AFBranco!

smalltownoklahoman | December 24, 2016 at 8:52 am

He’s well and truely earned the nickname “Barry The Backstabber” with this move! Bad enough that he’s destabilized much of the ME during his time in office, he had to go and place our best ally and the lone democracy there in the greatsst peril it has faced in decades!

He’s consistent in his hate for Israel and Christianity, along with his support for Islam.


Exact same image – change Netanyahu to Uncle Sam !

Put it together with the previous cartoon of Obummer snuggling up with Iran and Cuba, and you have the full picture of his foreign policy.