Academics Want Trump to Embrace Obama’s Climate Change Policies
Good luck with that…
One of the reasons Trump won was his rejection of pretty much all things Obama but you can’t blame these folks for trying.
Campus Reform reports:
Academics urge Trump to endorse Obama climate change policies
More than 170 higher education leaders have signed an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump and Congress supporting climate change action.
The letter comes in light of liberal skepticism about Trump’s views on the issue, reflected in the number of cabinet nominations who have come under fire for their stances on climate change.
The university presidents and chancellors, including George Washington University president Steven Knapp, urge Trump to maintain President Obama’s initiatives on climate change, such as supporting the Paris Agreement signed earlier this year.
The letter—spearheaded by the Massachusetts environmental non-profit Second Nature—specifies three courses of action for the next administration to adopt, urging the elected officials to “recognize our academic and ethical responsibilities to current and future generations to take aggressive climate action; to reduce our sector’s carbon pollution, to support interdisciplinary climate education, and to continue research that expands our understanding of rapidly changing earth systems.”
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Note the first – and presumably most important – course of action is the same neo-marxist political agenda they’ve always pushed. Which, coincidentally(/s), puts people like themselves in charge of everything.
No sale.
Here’s the answer the President-elect should give: no. I won.
“…to support interdisciplinary climate education, and to continue research that expands our understanding of rapidly changing earth systems.”
Recognize this hopeless ploy on their part for what it really is: these higher education’s so-called leaders are fearful because they suspect a Trump Administration will cut their federal funding, for what has become a continuous gravy train under Obama. All of these liberal professors need to be taught a real lesson: the new game in town is called ‘produce’, not publish, or perish.
“Academics Want Trump to Embrace Obama’s Climate Change Policies”
People in Hell want ice water.
There are two sets of climate change “deniers”.
One of them is made up of people who do not believe the “hockey stick” graph which goes counter to decades of research embodied in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of peer reviewed articles that show the Medieval Warming Period not only to have existed, but to have been far warmer that today’s weather. (It was also never peer reviewed.) These “deniers” also refuse to believe the mini-ice age of the 19th century occurred. Instead of believing the reams of published scientific data, anecdotal evidence, and well documented written history, these “deniers” instead believe that the Earth’s temperature has not varied by more than a few tenths of a degree for millennia prior to the CO2 spewing industrial age.
The other group of “deniers” refuse to believe that a minor greenhouse gas (CO2 which makes up less than 5% of the overall effect) is the primary driver behind climate change. They refuse to accept computer models (that are without exception wrong by forecasting temperature changes to be many degrees higher that that observed) as being accurate, think there is some credence to how temperatures vary more as a function of other factors instead of CO2 concentrations, and they refuse to accept the “hockey stick” graph as being gospel because it only relied on using tree rings from two trees in a novel analysis approach that has never been used before and seems to be poorly documented with no effort made to correlate tree ring data with past temperature measurements.
So no matter what you choose to believe, you will belong to a “denier” group. The question is which one do you belong to?
“So no matter what you choose to believe, you will belong to a “denier” group. The question is which one do you belong to?”
The Little Ice Age really happened. The Maunder Minimum really happened. The Medieval Warm Period really happened. These are incontrovertible facts. That appears to put me squarely into Denier Group Two.
The people in Group One, those who believe anthropomorphic climate change is responsible for every minute change they they have seen, or imagine they have seen, aren’t really deniers; they are more ignorers-of-fact, as that is the only way to support their conclusions.
The place most in need of climate change would be in the teachers lounge.