Virginia High School Dresses as Trump, Secretary as Hillary in Prison Garb

The principal at Robert E. Lee High School in Staunton, VA, and his secretary caused quite a stir on Halloween. Parents expressed outrage when he dressed as Donald Trump and she dressed as Hillary Clinton in prison garb.

Weirdly enough parents appear more mad about the Trump costume than the secretary’s Hillary outfit!

WTVR reported:

Since the photos went public, parents in Staunton have criticized the administration for the “politically charged costumes” on school grounds.One of those parents was Emberly Lynn Martin, who graduated from the high school and has two daughters.“I don’t care who you are or are not voting for. You are professionals, who work with children. Some more impressionable then others. The fact that any school official would think it’s okay to dress like this leaves me appalled and floored,” Martin wrote on a Facebook post with the controversial image. “What message are you sending to any of them when their high school principal dresses up like a man who wants to deport them, says things like “she’s a nasty woman”, or “grab em by the p—–?”Principal Rowicki told WHSV that he didn’t mean any harm by the costume and apologized to anyone he offended.Rowicki said the kids usually dress up at school on Halloween, so they just wanted to take part in it as well to connect more with the students.

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton