UNH Official Facebook Page Caught Asking Students to Protest Trump

Would it surprise you to learn that it was the Facebook page for the Women’s Studies department? The University of New Hampshire has since apologized.

The Daily Caller reports:

Public University Asks Students To Protest Trumphe University of New Hampshire (UNH) has issued an apology after one of its official Facebook pages was caught making partisan political posts against Donald Trump and in favor of Hillary Clinton.In the wake of Trump’s election victory, UNH’s Women’s Studies Program used its Facebook page to encourage students to join a public protest against him.The program promoted an “Our Power Walk Out and March” event being put on by the UNH College Democrats Nov. 14. The walk-out was explicitly framed as a protest against Trump and his impending presidency.“WS wants to make sure you know about this march that is happening tomorrow,” the post reads. “We have students who are interested in other forms of protest/activism. If you are interested in planning or participating something, lets [sic] get you connected!”Later, the program published a follow-up post encouraging students to stop by to receive help in making protest posters for the walk-out.“Our office will be open until 4:30 p.m. today so please stop on by and make your own poster!” the post urged students.

Tags: 2016 Election, College Insurrection, Donald Trump