U. Wisconsin-Oshkosh Holds ‘Non-Partisan’ Event With Chelsea Clinton

Nothing says non-partisan like inviting the daughter of one of the presidential candidates, right?

The College Fix reports:

Student government hosts ‘non partisan’ get-out-the-vote event with Chelsea ClintonThe Student Association at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh is hosting a “get out the vote” rally Wednesday afternoon.The featured speaker is Chelsea Clinton, and students register to attend through her mother’s website, HillaryClinton.com.Yet the student government claims the event is nonpartisan and not an endorsement of any candidate, including Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.In a Facebook post Tuesday morning, the Oshkosh Student Association announced the event, scheduled for 4:15 p.m. It says “the guest speaker will be Chelsea Clinton.”The post has a disclaimer: “OSA is non partisan the hosting of this event is to encourage political engagement and should not be seen as an endorsement.”Yet the link in the post goes to nominee Clinton’s website, which bills the event as an “Early Vote Event with Chelsea Clinton in Oshkosh.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Hillary Clinton