VIDEO: Rick Santorum heckled at Cornell – He responds brilliantly
“I suspect that all of the people who just stood, will walk around this campus and talk about tolerance”

Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum spoke at Cornell on Wednesday night and was repeatedly interrupted and heckled by a group of students.
The event was sponsored by the Cornell Republicans who announced it on Facebook:
The Cornell University College Republicans is proud to announce that Rick Santorum, former Senator, former presidential candidate, author, and attorney will be speaking in Alice Statler Auditorium on the Cornell University Campus on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 6:30 PM. Doors will open at 6:15 PM, and there will be a question and answer session following Mr. Santorum’s keynote speech. The event is free and open to the public.
Rick Santorum will be speaking about his experiences in politics and his views on America’s political future, with particular emphasis on the upcoming four years. He will draw from his experiences inside and outside of Washington to provide his unique perspective on American politics.
Mr. Santorum graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in political science; while at PSU, he was the chairman of their College Republicans chapter. He then earned his MBA at the University of Pittsburgh in 1981, and capped off his studies by earning a JD from PSU’s Dickinson School of Law.
Santorum is a Catholic social conservative who opposes gay marriage. You know, like Obama and Hillary did until very recently.
In this portion, Santorum gives it right back to the hecklers:
I suspect that all of the people who just stood will walk around this campus and talk about tolerance, and all of them will tell you you have to celebrate what? Diversity. Celebrate diversity, preach tolerance, but when it comes to anybody who disagrees with them, there is no tolerance.
Here are a few more clips from the event via Twitter:
It’s like the word God just triggers the hell out of them @RickSantorum @yaf
— Mike (@mccarinha) December 1, 2016
“Tolerant” Leftists proving their “tolerance”@yaf@RickSantorum
— Mike (@mccarinha) December 1, 2016
Professor Jacobson and others commented:
So Cornell admins threaten to remove hecklers, they continue to disrupt @RickSantorum, admins and security do nothing @yaf
— Patrick X Coyle (@PatrickXCoyle) December 1, 2016
Plenty of security here with nothing to do. Maybe they could, you know, enforce their own rules. #YAFonCampus
— Chad G. Abbott (@ChadAbbott) December 1, 2016
This is Ithaca, opposing viewpoints not welcome
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) December 1, 2016
Heckling of @RickSantorum @Cornell tonight a disgrace, typical of the intellectual mob mentality that has taken over so much on campus
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) December 1, 2016
Let it be known that today is the day I asked Rick Santorum a question about education and he spend 5 minutes talking about God instead
— ɑːriːˈɛl ˈhɑːziː (@relhazy) December 1, 2016
Not true, I saw it, you just didn’t like his answer
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) December 1, 2016
I’ve said this before but it bears repeating again and again.
The left still doesn’t understand why Trump won.
Featured image via YouTube.

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College should not be a place to be sheltered smug snowflakes…because they will have to face the heat after they graduate.
College should be a place with buildings and nothing else. No streets or sidewalks. The students should trudge to and be responsible for the cleanliness of the classrooms. The ‘mess hall’ should have long tables and one other room for students to study. Pictures of the tunnels through 12 foot snow should be on the walls of every hallway with observations suggesting how lucky we are to not have that.
With Mnuchin nominated, his first responsibility will be a tax reform plan. One easy (and among Trumpers) and likely publicly popular stance would be to limit privileged tax treatment for universities with endowments exceeding $1 billion.
* Contributions would no longer be tax deductible
* Endowments would be subject to income and capital gain taxes
* To qualify for government funding, universities would have to pass a First Amendment audit, demonstrating that the right was being respected.
Tax exempt treatment under the IRC is a privilege, not a constitutional right.
End privilege. Tax the Ivys.
“I’ve said this befor[e] but it bears repeating again and again.
The left still doesn’t understand why Trump won.”
Good! Because that means in ’18 and ’20, they’ll even more be political losers.
The Left is incapable of responding to Trump’s victory in any manner other than doubling down and doing more of what failed to work before. Why? Because their entire worldview is based on the notion of their own moral superiority to those who disagree with them.
It looks like they would rather go down in flames thinking that a majority of the country are deplorable, than to admit that most of those deplorables are good people who simply have different opinions than the progressives.
Spoiled brats spoiling it for everyone else…
Can’t blame them in a way – they’ve been taught to think like this since they were in schools WE allowed to be corrupted by leftist psychos.
That said, these snowflakes know they are full of sh-t. Thus, they are corrupt snowflakes.
Is it true that no two snowflakes are alike? (But what if two identical twins attend Oberlin at the same time?)
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Or, to go all biblical on em: Jeremiah 5:21
A little time being enlightened at Parris Island or San Diego would help these youngsters. Drill instructor must all be combat veterans because they all seem to have a severe hearing loss especially when you are counting off the number of squat thrusts you are doing on your way to a million. Seeing the holiday flag flying still makes the hairs on the back of my neck come to attention.
Well said Rick.
The reason they need to heckle is because their case is weak and insecure. Deep down I think they realize this. That’s why they resort to the tactics that they do.
Rick Santorum stands on solid ground, so he doesn’t need to respond in kind. He exposed them for the weaklings and intolerant ones they are.
Eh, I think they have no idea on the strength or weakness of their argument. Mainly because nobody has taught them how to argue. All they know is shouting down the opposition and it frankly works in a large number of cases. And it doesn’t require all that logical processing and stuff.
From the Cornell Univ. website, tuition and student activities are $50,953 for those attending Endowed Colleges or for Non-NY State residents. It’s $34,209 for those who are NY State residents attending Land-Grant (NY State Contract) Colleges. Housing and dining are $8,274 and $5,626 respectively across the board. That’s some hefty monies doled out and all the while not being able to make a reasonable argument.
They ought to save all that loot by staying home, watching The View and reading The Huffington Post. The end-result would be about the same.
“The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.” Denzel Washington, in American Gangster
Today, the loudest one learned that the one that makes the noise in Daycare is the one that gets attention.
Sigh, students attending Cornell will be re-paying student loans throughout their careers. That means they will have to get very well paying jobs to afford to live in the manner in which they are accustomed.
Sadly, their actions demonstrate an unwillingness to put their brains in gear before their mouths in motion. I can foresee many, many families not getting ‘Empty Nest Syndrome”.
“Those on the left who proclaim tolerance for other views are often amazed to discover there are other views.” – who else but William F Buckley Jr.
The best part of the video was seeing that Cornell appears to have a vibrant group of College Republicans.
These people are an embarrassment. But yes, Santorum is right, these tiny-brained snowflakes will not only walk around talking about tolerance but will proudly tell you that they are intolerant. These haters of hate are pleased and proud to proclaim how much they hate hate.
Mind you, this is all done without the slightest bit of self-reflection or awareness. Hating hate and hating haters makes sense to them. They don’t even need any evidence that the hater they hate is indeed a hater. They just hate on principle or because they have been programmed to.
We dismiss this at our own peril, however. No matter how transparently ignorant, childish, and close-minded these people are, they will be our future leaders. We have to keep them from positions of power, but look at our universities today, with whom do we replace them? We have an uphill cultural war to win, and so far, we’ve lost nearly all the battles.