Profs Defend and Praise Castro as an Inspiration

If anyone was wondering why so many college students end up becoming indoctrinated members of the left, this serves as an excellent reminder.

The College Fix reports:

Professors praise, defend Castro: ‘Inspiration, remarkable, powerful, complex’In the wake of the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, several college professors defended his legacy and praised the man for what they described as his vision, courage and strength against colonialism, capitalism and racism.Take Erik Loomis, a history professor at the University of Rhode Island, who in his blog post “Castro: It’s Complicated!” argued against thinking about Castro “in terms of simplistic moral judgments.”Loomis instead sees Castro as “a tremendously complex person who attempted to rebuild a society around ideas of justice while also refusing to allow democratic institutions to form.”He goes on to point out that Castro brought “outstanding medical care and education to his own people and the poor around the world while limiting the ability of educated people to use their skills at home.”He called Castro, along with Che Guevara and Ho Chi Minh, “an inspiration for billions of people around the world seeking freedom from colonial overlords.”Writing in the New York Daily News, Ronald Howell, an English and journalism professor at Brooklyn College, argues that “Castro was the most dedicated and powerful proponent of racial justice the world has ever known.”

You may remember Loomis from this 2012 post, Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick”

Tags: College Insurrection