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Princeton Prof: ‘White America has Elected an Ill-informed, Morally and Ethically Bankrupt Racist’

Princeton Prof: ‘White America has Elected an Ill-informed, Morally and Ethically Bankrupt Racist’

Scarborough: If Hillary Won, People in Iowa Would Have Had to Explain How Someone Who Should be in Prison is Going to White House

We’ll put Eddie Glaude Jr. down as “undecided” about attending the Kumbaya love-in . . . on today’s Morning Joe, Glaude, chair of Princeton’s African-American studies department, said “across the board, white America has just elected to my mind an ill-informed racist who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt . . . I have to confront my son.

Joe Scarborough has a surprisingly astringent response: “just so you understand, when you talk to your son, that if Hillary Clinton had won, there would have been other people in Iowa who said how do I explain to my son or daughter that someone who should be in prison is now going to the White House?

Note: Mika Brzezinski has been reserved and generally respectful this morning. But at the end of the interview of Kellyanne Conway, Mika asked Trump’s campaign manager “are you proud of the work you’ve done?” The implication seemed to be that Conway might be ashamed of having inflicted President Trump on America. Conway answered that she was “so proud” of the Trump team and that “he’s really going to be a phenomenal president.”

EDDIE GLAUDE JR.: Across the board, white America has just elected to my mind an ill-informed racist who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt. They just elected that person. And I want to understand. I have to confront my son. People are having to raise their children or having to deal with their children at the breakfast table. And what does it mean, for our children, to have to be raised —

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Just so you understand, when you talk to your son, that if Hillary Clinton had won, there would have been other people in Iowa who said how do I explain to my son or daughter that someone who should be in prison is now going to the White House?


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The Friendly Grizzly | November 9, 2016 at 10:04 am

He sounds like another Van Jones, who was on CNN’s coverage last night. Same old thing: “Black black blackety-race racety-black black”.

Apparently Professor Glaude is under the illusion that HILLARY won.

Just another racist black man. Canada is calling.

Steve_in_SoCal | November 9, 2016 at 10:17 am

‘Glaude, chair of Princeton’s African-American studies department’

We got a whole “dept” on African-American studies? A whole freakin department?

It’s as though these folks complain of basically the “Balkanization” and then go out of their way to speed it up.

“African American Studies” professor or is it “Grievance Studies” professor? I guess he considered Electrical Engineering to be too pedestrian perhaps.

Another example of our out of control colleges and universities. Parents need to start voting with their checkbooks.

After eight years of Barry, I am just so tired of racist blacks telling me how bad I am. But it is nice that they are pissed off. Suck it Eddie.

‘Glaude, chair of Princeton’s African-American studies department’

What does it cost to go to Princeton? $50-60,000/yr? And what kind of job can one expect to get with a degree in “African-American studies”?

No federal student loans for degrees that cannot be expected to earn enough money to pay back the loan.

Let Princeton’s billion dollar endowment be used for scholarships to pay for those students who want to waste 4 or 5 years of their lives.

    alaskabob in reply to Kaffa. | November 9, 2016 at 10:44 am

    Those departments’ courses were prerequisites to gain employment in the civil right section of DOJ under Obama/Holder/Lynch… Today…ah…not do much….I HOPE.

    Exiliado in reply to Kaffa. | November 9, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    what kind of job can one expect to get with a degree in “African-American studies”?

    – Professor of African American Studies
    – MSM commentator
    – Social Justice Warrior
    – Community organizer
    – P.O.T.U.S. (Screaming in horror !)

    Loucleve in reply to Kaffa. | November 9, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    In defense of African studies, they had to come up with something that they would actually apply themselves too, and something they could actually pass grade-wise. Think college football.

Just another racist, bigoted member of the Academy popping off. It is past time to call them out and then ignore completely.

casualobserver | November 9, 2016 at 10:50 am

So, so trite and boring.

But a sign of what the next 4 years will look like. As the last year has, too. Everything Trump does will be racist. Or misogynistic. Or xenophobic. Or some epithet. It’s all that’s left when you lose the battle of ideas.

I still say Comey needs top notch physical security and perhaps the best lawyers. The mob is coming after him. Already the liberal media…..known as the media…and social media have their knives out for him.

    alaskabob in reply to casualobserver. | November 9, 2016 at 10:57 am

    Comey is now a sad footnote…one foot on the dock and one foot in the unmoored boat….no one will miss his spread eagle plunge into obscurity …. who follows has much torepair to redeem any honor and trust in the FBI.

      DaveGinOly in reply to alaskabob. | November 9, 2016 at 6:56 pm

      If Comey had advised Lynch to prosecute, and Hillary won the election, how well do you think that prosecution would have gone? And consider that once found “not guilty” a person cannot be tried for the same offense.

      However with a Trump win, after the inauguration Comey could “revise” his opinion, recommend indictment, and then the prosecution would take place under a Trump DOJ. That outcome could be spectacularly different.

      The prosecution of Hillary by Trump’s DOJ is a scenario that Comey preserved for us, intentionally or unintentionally.

      I can’t wait to see Trump spill the beans on “Fast and Furious.” Obama decided his communications with Holder were “privileged,” and now it’s The Donald’s “privilege” as POTUS to decide otherwise.

        Comey proved to be a fool. He should have stayed the straight and narrow, and took what comes. Had Mrs. Scum won, he might have been canned, but he’d still have stature.

        Now, hated by all sides, his name will live in infamy and deservedly so.

        We need a top-cop to run the FBI, not a spinelless John Roberts/Boehner/McConnell/Ryan

white America has just elected to my mind an ill-informed racist who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt.

Yes, it did, because the alternative was a well-informed criminal who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt.

    CloseTheFed in reply to Milhouse. | November 9, 2016 at 11:11 am

    To Milhouse: I disagree. We did not elect an “ill-informed racist, who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt.”

    Trump is a well-educated and successful man. He’s raised a fine family. Just because he has a big mouth doesn’t mean he’s morally bankrupt and ethically bankrupt. It means you might not be – might not – be thrilled to sit next to him at a party.

    But you’d love your kids to play with his and he’d be a great neighbor.

      Milhouse in reply to CloseTheFed. | November 9, 2016 at 11:42 am

      He is pig-ignorant, and a fraud. The “Trump University” trials are now coming up, and he will have to testify about how he deliberately ripped off thousands of people; that’s his “success”. Whatever he says, he may end up facing criminal charges: for fraud if he tells the truth, and for perjury if he doesn’t. I look forward to impeachment and President Pence. I also wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out that he can’t fire Pence.

        And you know this how? You’re just another Leftist for whom accusation is proof and even mounting a defense means guilty.

        legacyrepublican in reply to Milhouse. | November 9, 2016 at 12:13 pm

        Enough is enough.

        I agreed with Ted Cruz and voted for Trump. This election was about the Supreme Court. Hillary would have destroyed it for 40 to 50 years.

        We know Thomas wants to retire. Scalia needs to be replace. Ginsburg is going to last much longer. So, there is going to be at least three spots that will need to be filled in the next four years.

        Trump’s list for appointments is a good one and a hopeful one.

        As for the rest of what you mention, I agree, the two choices weren’t the best. I would have preferred Scott Walker or Ted Cruz or even Ben Carson on our side.

        But, it was what it was. The best choice has now been made for the future of our country. And that mitigates who resides in the White House for the next four years.

        Let’s move on and campaign for a better future now because our party is in control at last.

        Enough words have been spent on this campaign and I am tired of it as are many. Let’s concentrate on draining the swamp and getting the leeches in the Washington swamp off our backs and out of our pocket books.

        IrateNate in reply to Milhouse. | November 9, 2016 at 12:40 pm

        so, when are you moving to Canada?

        Ragspierre in reply to Milhouse. | November 9, 2016 at 3:50 pm

        Yeh. I LOVED the comment about how PC was dead now that Der Donald was elected…!!!

        You guys always break me up…!!!

        Jackie in reply to Milhouse. | November 9, 2016 at 3:56 pm

        Anyone who was dissatisfied and asked for their money back, got their money back. Also it’s a civil suit, not a criminal suit. The woman who initiated the suit wrote a review stating the course was wonderful.

          Ragspierre in reply to Jackie. | November 9, 2016 at 4:22 pm

          And Juanita Broderick gave an affidavit under oath the Dollar Bill Clinton never did anything inappropriate.


        The fact you call him ‘ignorant,’ shows your ignorance.

    Sore Loserman III

Proof that you don’t need a brain to be a professor.
That used to be a term of respect. Now it’s a joke.

legacyrepublican | November 9, 2016 at 11:13 am

Wow! Finally, a professor who gets who Obama really is! /snarc

Can somebody explain to me what Trump said or did, that was so racist? Seriously, after people like Al Sharpton being a White House insider…what has Donald done that is worse than what Al has said or done??

    Nothing. Complete fabrication and indoctrination of useful idiots.

    “Professor?” Professor of bullsh-t. A clown with a sign on his door. Could be a sit-com about this likes of this bozo.

    With the acquiescence of the Crying Boehners, our federally funded educational systems have been totally corrupted by the likes of this lunatic.

    Let’s see if we can’t boot out the Cowardly Ryan and the Grotesque McConnell – so we can prevent yet another election victory into turning into GOPe sabotage – and start turning our educational systems around and out of the control of idiots like racist Nutty Professors.

    Semper Why in reply to wendybar. | November 9, 2016 at 12:17 pm

    He supported enforcing immigration law again. That was enough.

How sad for Princeton. They employ this guy to spew his racist crap?

Princeton no longer means what it used to. Scratching it from my children’s options.

Liberal haters are gonna hate.
Whatcha gonna do? Some people will never change.
They have lost touch.
They have no idea that the racists are themselves.

The question now is, “who will get on the Trump Train, and who will be left at the station?”

He does not realize it but Professor Glaude and people like him contributed substantially to Trump’s victory. They ended up as a great campaign asset.

Thanks Professor Glaude.

After the twilight the dawn of a new day. A fresh perspective. The end of [class] diversity/wars including institutional racism, sexism, etc. Perhaps a renewed hope for millions of human lives denied life under selective-child. Well, at least a conversation. Baby steps.

Soooo the white people who voted for the community organizer in chiefs twice did not vote for crooked Hillary once.

buckeyeminuteman | November 9, 2016 at 1:02 pm

It sounds a little racist to me to call the people who voted for Trump racist and morally bankrupt. Who do these people think they are? They also say that old, white, non-educated people carried the election. My wife and I have 14 years of college between our 4 degrees. Maybe you people need to look in the mirror. Oh, how racist. I just said “you people.”

The old dog whistle fall back line… Your are a racist.
Oh my god PLEASE give it a rest!
Eddie Glaude Jr. is a super elitist who has zero common sense! Why can’t he understand that his thinking is one reason Trump won big. We decent, hard working Americans who disagree with the progressive movement are not racist because we do disagree with you. Get a damn clue!
Eddie Glaude Jr. and the like are in for a tough time because we are not going to cow tow to you anymore.
The progressive movement has been dealt a serious blow today!

The left brought this themselves. In their haste to play identity politics, they were so eager to blame white men for all the ills in the world they inadvertently created a group that they then denied a voice. Well, they found their voice yesterday.

white America has just elected to my mind an ill-informed racist who by any standard is morally and ethically bankrupt . . .And 8 years later they elected Trump.

Henry Hawkins | November 9, 2016 at 4:44 pm

Well, you expect a beet salesman to brng beets into everything he can. And if you’re selling racism for a living………

Black America elected an unprepared, unpatriotic, know nothing black man to be president. He willingly lied to the entire country. He refused to work with his opponents and generally disrespected everyone with whom he disagreed.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 10, 2016 at 7:56 am

In the picture, we see the pointed finger. That seems a trademark gesture for those who know what is best for us.

He’s right, but the alternative was unacceptable.
Shame on the primary voters.

“White America has Elected an Ill-informed, Morally and Ethically Bankrupt Racist”

What irony: this moron is talking about himself and everyone else surrounding little barry.

Amazing ignorance and arrogance.

White Americans have indeed elected an ill-informed, morally and ethically bankrupt racist to the Presidency; but he will be vacating the office at noon, January 20th, 2017!