Poll: 75% of Respondents Believe Media Wants Hillary to Win Election

A poll released by Suffolk University and USA Today confirmed rampant distrust in establishment media.

More than 750 people of the 1000 surveyed believed the media establishment wants Hillary to win the election.

The Hill has the summary:

The Suffolk University/USA Today poll released Friday asks, “Who do you think the media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see elected president: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?”Of the 1,000 adults surveyed, 75.9 percent answered Clinton, while just 7.9 percent picked Trump, the Republican nominee. Just more than 16 percent of respondents chose either “neither” or “undecided.”The Suffolk University/USA Today poll comes on the heels of an Associated Press/GkF poll last week showing that 56 percent of likely voters, including 87 percent of his supporters, believe the media is biased against Trump.In that poll, 51 percent of Clinton supporters said the media is biased in her favor, while just 8 percent said it’s biased against her.Trump has repeatedly complained the media is against him.“It’s the greatest pile-on in American history,” Trump told ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday.”I go to rallies and they’re starting to hate the media because they see it’s all a big lie. Not all, but a lot of it’s a big lie.”

As we predicted long ago, the media loved Trump for ratings before he was the Republican nominee, and now, they’re more focused on who he made googly eyes at thirty years ago than Hillary Clinton’s mountain of scandals. Though, there’s an argument to be made that if Trump were less a character and more a candidate, perhaps the media bias blaze wouldn’t burn so brightly.

Interestingly, 56% of respondents believe the Wikileaks, Clinton Foundation scandals, “raise questions about conflicts of interest for her if she were elected president.” Though, only 36% say Wikileaks email leaks make them less likely to vote Hillary, and 49% said the email revelations will have no impact on their vote.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Media Bias