Oregon: More Than Half of Anti-Trump Protesters Arrested Didn’t Vote

My, my, my. What do we have here?

According to KGW8, more than half of the anti-Trump protesters arrested in Oregon didn’t even vote. Raise your hand if you’re surprised.

KGW8 reports:

Portland, Ore.—More than half of the anti-Trump protesters arrested in Portland didn’t vote in Oregon, according to state election records. At least sixty-nine demonstrators either didn’t turn in a ballot or weren’t registered to vote in the state.KGW compiled a list of the 112 people arrested by the Portland Police Bureau during recent protests. Those names and ages, provided by police, were then compared to state voter logs by Multnomah County Elections officials.Records show 34 of the protesters arrested didn’t return a ballot for the November 8 election. Thirty-five of the demonstrators taken into custody weren’t registered to vote in Oregon. Twenty-five protesters who were arrested did vote.KGW is still working to verify voting records for the remaining 17 protesters who were arrested.This article originally stated that 35 people were registered to vote and did not. One woman who was arrested told KGW she recently moved to Washington and did vote in Washington. She was also registered to vote in Oregon.

Didn’t vote, but they’re going to complain about, wait for it…THE VOTE.


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Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Oregon