Nikki Haley to be U.S. Ambassador to U.N.

Numerous news outlets are confirming that Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina will be named as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

The Post and Courier reports:

President-elect Donald Trump is picking South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to become his U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, The Post and Courier has learned.The move, expected Wednesday, continues the steep political rise of the daughter of Indian immigrants that started six years ago when the Bamberg native was elected as South Carolina’s first female and minority governor.The planned nomination to the cabinet-level post, confirmed by multiple sources with knowledge of the decision, is likely to raise questions about Haley’s qualifications for a major foreign policy role since she has little diplomatic experience as state lawmaker and governor.The 44-year-old’s chief foreign work centers on negotiating with international companies seeking economic development deals in the state and leading seven overseas trade missions as governor. Her husband, Michael, was deployed for nearly a year in Afghanistan with the S.C. National Guard in 2013.

The position will be at the cabinet level.

Of course, the question being asked is why Haley? She doesn’t have much foreign policy experience.

What she does have is experience with possibly the most vicious state politics in the country. South Carolina is known for smears and political backstabbing.

Sounds like good experience for the U.N.

From Haley’s career perspective, this is a great move. It gives her the international exposure and experience for a future national run,or even more prominent cabinet position, like Secretary of State. She will be in the news constantly, and it will increase her name recognition and profile.

Tags: Nikki Haley, Trump Appointments, United Nations