Loyola U. Maryland Deems America Themed Parties Divisive

Perhaps Loyola should relocate to another nation. You know, one that isn’t so offensive or divisive.

The Washington Times reported:

Maryland college calls ‘America’-themed parties ‘divisive and harmful’Students at Loyola University Maryland were recently pressured to abort plans for an “America”-themed party over concerns they might “oppress” others.An annual “Senior 200s” celebration organized by Loyola’s student government became a cause for concern after Republican Donald Trump’s Election Day victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.“I encourage you to reconsider this plan in light of the legitimate concerns raised by so many,” the school’s executive vice president, Sarah Donovan, told student government members in emails provided to the Daily Caller. “We have made progress in providing a welcoming climate on campus and do we want to reverse that progress with a theme that divides us?”The official said her opinion on the event after talking to some students and faculty was that it sounded “very alienating, divisive and harmful.”Sheilah Horton, the university’s dean of students, said America-themed events provide “an opportunity for students to dress or behave in a way that offends or oppresses others,” the Daily Caller reported Monday.

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